- 9:39 am, Theft/Larceny, Grainger Hall. Contacted person reporting their electric scooter was stolen.
- 11:40 am, Burglary, Vilas Hall. Contacted persons after they reported an unidentified person had taken their purse from their unlocked office while they were not present.
- 12:30 pm, Theft/Larceny, Bakke Recreation Center. Contacted person who reported a set of allen wrenches stolen from a maintenance cart in Bakke lobby at 10:46 a.m. 4/16/24.
- 12:49 pm, Information, Location Redacted. Contacted person regarding receipt of a threatening email.
- 2:44 pm, Motor Vehicle Accident, Lot 17. Contacted person after Transportation Services reported a UW affiliated truck struck the north exit gate arm.
- 4:05 pm, Medical/Alcohol/Detox Conveyance, Highland Ave & Overlook. Transported person to Detox.
- 4:06 pm, Mental Health Welfare Check, Location Redacted. Provided a ride for from location after they requested assistance due to having mental health issues.
- 12:00 am, Other, Regent St. & East Campus Mall. Traffic Stop/Liquor Law False ID - Stopped/verbal warning to person for unreasonable/imprudent speeds and possession of fake ID.