Latest Updates from UWPD

Department News

  • New Rental Scam Using QR Codes

    In Madison’s hot property market, rental scams are nothing new. But there’s been an increasingly common twist that’s catching some renters off-guard. QR (for Quick Response) codes – the blocks of black and white squares that our cell phones can easily translate into web links – are more frequently being used legitimately by property companies and landlords. But some bad actors are using similar QR codes to connect unsuspecting renters to their own fraudulent sites. Often, these false sites mimic the real ones. Their goal:  Collect some form of payment, like a deposit or rental fee, as quickly as possible. If the scam goes undetected, the fraudster can continue using the provided financial information for additional unauthorized transactions.

  • Arrests at Board of Regents Meeting

    12/10/24 Update: After reviewing each arrest, it’s been determined that all 19 individuals will each receive a citation for violating UWS 18.11(4)(a) Assembly – Block/Obstruct/Occupy Prohibited Signs/Noise for intentionally creating a volume of noise that …

  • Electronic Device Theft

    By: Community Officer Jeff Kirchman Electronic device theft is one of the most common crimes reported to UWPD, second only to bicycle theft. This includes laptops, cell phones, and backpacks containing these and other electronic …

  • Lake Rescue Season Concludes

    The UWPD Lake Rescue & Safety Unit has concluded its 115th season of service on Lake Mendota. The unit’s calls for service have resulted in over 250 people being helped on the lake this year. …

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Daily Blotter

Daily Blotter for February 12th 2025

  • 7:06 am, Graffiti, Lot 83. Located graffiti immediately inside the 
stairwell door off N Frances St for lot 83.
  • 10:10 am, Information, McBurney Resource Center. Received a mandatory report from the Office of Admission.
  • 2:47 pm, Graffiti, Lot 6. Graffiti reported by general UW Physical Plant email.
  • 2:54 pm, Theft/Larceny, Residence Hall. Contacted person who reported their bike stolen from bike racks on the south side of Residence Hall.
  • 3:34 pm, Fraud, Local Hospital. Contacted person who stated two prescriptions were filled and picked up on after someone posing to be a Doctor called in the prescription, investigation ongoing.
  • 6:26 pm, Medical/Alcohol/Detox Conveyance, Location Redacted. On scene with MFD and MFR in regards to person falling while playing basketball and receiving a gash above their left eyebrow. MFR transported to local hospital.
  • 10:34 pm, Drug Violation, University Ave & East Campus Mall. Stopped person for operating without required lamps lit, cited for County Ord possession of MJ (forfeiture), verbally warned for possession of drug paraphernalia.
View earlier dates

The blotter content above represents significant incidents/calls for service from the previous 24 hours, starting at 6 a.m. the prior day.

Equity Dashboard

After more than a year of community meetings, listening to concerns, and collecting feedback, the UW–Madison Police Department is embarking on a one-of-a-kind approach to sharing key data with a focus on racial equity.

The UWPD Equity Dashboard is the result of a collaboration with community members and stakeholders to develop a unique and powerful tool that promotes transparency and provides a set of success metrics that speak directly to the UWPD’s commitment to equity in policing.

View the Dashboard

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Air Temperature

Water temperature

Water Temperature



Emergency Lake Rescue: (608) 262-3505