- 6:39 am, Underage Alcohol Violation, McClain Center. Cited person for UAL 1st, verbally warned for trespassing.
- 10:35 am, Assist Law Enforcement Agency, UWPD. Assisted University of Michigan police with an eye witness identification photo lineup.
- 11:20 am, Damage to Property, Memorial Union. Electronic warning signal pole backed into by driver of LRS garbage truck and knocked down.
- 5:16 pm, Found Property, UWPD. Apple air pods charging case in pink silicon case.
- 6:19 pm, Graffiti, Lakeshore Path. Graffiti discovered on the rail of the wooden pier across from the e-phone on the lake bike path between Waters and Social Sciences.
- 8:39 pm, Battery, Outside of Grainger Hall. Contacted person after they reported a person outside of the NE entrance to Grainger Hall being choked against a wall screaming and punched 3 times in the face by suspect.
- 8:42 pm, Domestic, Location Redacted. Arrested/Cited/Transported/Released to Dane County Jail suspect for Child Abuse Reckless Probab/Great harm, Strangulation/Suffocation and Domestic Disorderly conduct.
- 9:24 pm, Assist Law Enforcement Agency, McFarland. MAFIT callout to assist McFarland fire department with structure fire.
- 10:15 pm, Other, Agricultural Engineering. Depositing Human Waste - Contacted person who was reporting someone has been urinating in a trashcan in the second floor bathroom of Agricultural Engineering.
- 12:18 am, Other, Lot 130. Contacted/Cited person for closing hours established UW Code, operating after suspension/revoked registration and verbally warned for driving with a suspended license while person was in Lot 130.