9:44 am, Theft/Larceny, Memorial Union. Contacted person who reported alcohol thefts from the Brat Stand over the last three nights.
11:13 am, Motor Vehicle Accident, Lot 59. Contacted person after they called to report backing UW Fleet Vehicle into an unoccupied red Subaru causing damage to the Subaru's trunk, left rear taillight, and rear bumper.
3:00 pm, Check Person, Bascom Mall. Contacted/Cited/Arrested/Transported/Released to Dane County Jail suspect for Felony Bail Jumping x3, Misdemeanor Bail Jumping X1 and Cited for Prohibited Alcohol on University Lands after four separate callers reported person yelling expletives, talking to self, and playing music.
9:49 pm, Other, N. Park & W. Johnson Streets. Traffic Stop - Verbally Warned person operating vehicle for no plate.
10:23 pm, Resisting Arrest, W. Johnson & State Streets. Obstructing - Contacted/Cited/Arrested/Transported/Released to Dane County Jail suspect after they were creating a small disturbance with another person.
11:51 pm, Trespassing/After Hours, Location Redacted. Contacted person regarding someone looking through their bedroom window from outside.
1:06 am, Resisting Arrest, Union South. Obstructing - Contacted/Cited released persons for UW code resisting/obstructing and UAL.
1:46 am, Assist Law Enforcement Agency, Location Redacted. Assisted MPD in contacting person experiencing mental health crisis.
2:55 am, Other, University Ave & N. Bassett St. Traffic Stop - Cited person for OAR (criminal).
5:00 am, Operating While Intoxicated, University Ave & N. Frances St. Incident ongoing at time of briefing release.