10:10 pm, Other, Grainger Hall. Disposition from 2/13/25 - Closing Hours Violation - Contacted person after they were found smoking in the stairwell by custodial staff, detained person after refusing to properly identify themself, cited for possession of alcohol, closing hours, and smoking.
11:35 am, Mental Health Welfare Check, Location Redacted. Assisted person experiencing mental health crisis.
3:11 pm, Theft/Larceny, Nicholas Recreation Center. Person reported their black (shiny) Aritzia Super Puff winter jacket had been stolen from a locker in the locker room.
3:21 pm, Information, McBurney Resource Center. Received a mandatory report from the Office of Admission.
4:06 pm, Other, Chemistry Building. UW Code Violation - Contacted person regarding two persons who entered their lecture with a JBL speaker and played music causing a disruption.
5:58 pm, Mental Health Welfare Check, Location Redacted. Contacted, transported person to local hospital for medical treatment.
7:42 pm, Assist Law Enforcement Agency, Local Hospital. Assisted Middleton PD with patient at local hospital.
7:59 pm, Other, Local Hospital. Request for Assistance - Contact with person who reported being struck in the left hand by a phone thrown by another patient.
10:24 pm, Assist Law Enforcement Agency, Local Hospital. Assisted MPD with patient brought into Emergency Room and assisted with family members also arriving at the same time.