5:26 am, Operating While Intoxicated, Lot 60. Stopped suspect for failure to stop at stop sign. Arrested/cited for OWI 1st, UW possession of MJ, and UW possession of paraphernalia.
6:24 am, Graffiti, Memorial Union/Alumni Park. Contacted person in regards to multiple pieces of graffiti located in the Memorial Union and Alumni Park area. Multiple graffiti pieces and statements in opposition to an individual who is speaking at the University on 10/24/2022.
11:06 am, Alarm, location redacted. Contacted person who checked the area and no issues observed.
12:29 pm, Harassment, Union South. Contacted by person who reported receiving a concerning phone call.
1:26 pm, Information, McBurney Resource Center. Reviewed application essay which stated a possible assault occurred.
4:06 pm, Disorderly Conduct, Memorial Union. UWPD was at the Memorial Union during a presentation and protest. Following the event, contacted by person after a report of a disturbance outside of the Memorial Union.
2:28 am, Warrant Served, UW Hospital. Arrested, booked into Dane County Jail suspect for eight bench warrants and misdemeanor Bail Jumping x4 after they were contacted at UW Hospital ED for a detox evaluation.