6:58 am, Alarm, Location Redacted. Break South Stair room 201.
8:24 am, Theft/Larceny, Location redacted. Contacted person who reported that their work keys went missing out of their vehicle sometime between 9:45am on 2/22/2023 and 3/2/2023.
9:42 am, Information, UWPD. Received information that a background investigator was on campus identifying as a federal background investigator.
10:43 am, Alarm, Location Redacted. Contacted person who indicated the issue might be door/software related.
12:18 pm, Alarm, Location Redacted. Checked area, no issues.
10:39 pm, Graffiti, Hamel Music Hall. Contacted UWPD Security who found graffiti on the west wall to Hamel Music Hall .
11:17 pm, Other, West Johnson and Broom Street. Traffic Cited person for Operating while suspended & non-reg of auto.
12:51 am, Motor Vehicle Accident, Elizabeth Waters Hall. Contacted person who backed into parked vehicle causing minor damage to front plate and bumper.