9:20 am, Found Property, Social Sciences. Cell phone located at the Social Science Building.
1:06 pm, Alarm, Location Redacted. Contacted person who accidentally set off alarm.
2:33 pm, Check Person, Elvehjem. Contacted person checked their welfare on State Street Mall.
3:03 pm, Information, McBurney Resource Center. Received EO54 report from the UW Department of Admissions.
5:58 pm, Information, UWPD. Contacted person ref previous contact with UWPD on 11/22.
10:21 pm, Assist Law Enforcement Agency, Location Redacted. Emergency Detention of subject after they became combative at local hospital and began making statements of self-harm.
12:08 am, Operating While Intoxicated, S. Park and Cedar Streets. Arrested/Cited/Released to Dane County Jail without incident suspect for OWI 1st, OWL, non-registration, and speeding (17over).
3:43 am, Information, 1421 Monroe Street. Still on going, no disposition at this time. (Nature code may change once disposition is up).