11:25 am, Damage to Property, Lot 36. Contacted person for a Lot full sign that had been damaged in Lot 36 Entrance on 1/28/23.
1:15 pm, Found Property, UWPD. Wallet and contents (and $25 cash) returned to person after it was found and turned into UW Dispatch.
1:56 pm, Motor Vehicle Accident, Lot 80. Contacted person who reported that on either February 2, 2023 between 7a-11a or February 3, 2023 between 7a and 7p their vehicle was struck in Lot 80, causing a dent and scrape to the driver’s side front wheel well area.
3:36 pm, Theft/Larceny, Nicholas Recreation Center. Contacted person regarding their electric scooter that was stolen from the Nicholas Recreation Center.
6:30 pm, Mental Health Welfare Check, Location Redacted. Contacted person who was seeking treatment but upon arrival no longer wanted to go inside.
9:28 pm, Information, 333 East Campus Mall. Contacted person after being described as a potential theft suspect by 3rd party complainant.