6:35 am, Fire, Hamel Music Hall. Responded w/ MFR to west side of Hamel Music Hall for a shrub that had caught fire.
9:51 am, Fire, Hamel Music Hall. Report pulled in error.
9:20 am, Threat Assessment, University Hospital. UW Hospital`s public relations email account received a message of concern and requested a police report to be filed.
12:26 pm, Emergency Detention, Location Redacted. Transported person to Winnebago after evaluation from Psychiatric Dr. and Journey crises that person was a harm to oneself.
1:15 pm, Alarm, Location Redacted. Door secure, no issues found.
10:26 pm, Drug Violation, Highland Ave & Observatory Drive. Stopped/Verbally Warned person for operating without required lamps lit during hours of darkness. Cited passenger for County possession of THC and possession of paraphernalia.
1:11 am, Other, W Gorham St & Wisconsin Ave. Traffic Stop - Stopped/verbally warned person for driving while intoxicated, driving the wrong way on a one-way street, driving on a suspended license and suspended vehicle registration. Person released to a responsible party.