2:45 pm, Theft/Larceny, Computer Sciences. Contacted person who advised their orange 2018 Trek Checkpoint was stolen between 10a-4p on May 25, 2023 from the bike rack outside of Computer Science.
3:07 pm, Information, UWPD. Spoke with person who reported harassment that has been occurring for over a decade. Investigation continues.
3:13 pm, Assist Law Enforcement Agency, UWPD. Received a cyber tip.
6:24 pm, Medical/Alcohol/Detox Conveyance, Bakke Recreational Center. Contacted/medically conveyed person who fell and hit their head on the ice rink.
8:03 pm, Mental Health Welfare Check, Location redacted. Contacted person after they entered Hospital ER demanding to see a doctor or they would kill themselves.
8:48 pm, Check Person, Memorial Union. Contacted person after they were located by Union Staff at the Memorial Union due to current ban letter.
2:50 am, Operating While Intoxicated, University Ave & Joyce Erdman Place. Stopped/arrested/released to RP suspect for deviation from designated lane, second 1st offense OWI, and second 1st offense PAC.