12:26 am, Other, Springs Lot. Suspicious Vehicle - Contacted persons and vehicle search conducted due to odor of marijuana. Found ashtray with ashes and smoked joint in center console. Verbally warned for closing hours and possession of marijuana on UW lands.
3:57 am, Criminal Damage, Lot 67. Cited person for operating without a valid driver's license after they had accidentally driven their vehicle through the northwest entrance gate of Lot 67.
5:58 am, Check Person, Weeks Hall. Cited person for violation of UW Closing Hours after they were reported to be on the third floor of Weeks Hall even though the building has posted closing hours until 7am.
10:19 am, Motor Vehicle Accident, Lot 124. Dispatched to Lot 124 for a hit and run.
11:36 am, Theft/Larceny, Chadbourne Hall. Spoke with person who reported their locked, black Riverside 100 6 speed stolen.
12:29 pm, Medical/Alcohol/Detox Conveyance, Fluno Center. Contact with person who was hyperventilating.
1:45 pm, Fraud, Showerman Hall. Spoke with person who reported $280 loss while trying to purchase 1 student section season football ticket.
2:33 pm, Motor Vehicle Accident, Babcock & Observatory Drive. Contacted person who reported their vehicle was struck by a bicycle driven while waiting in line for move-in on 8/31/23.
6:03 pm, Harassment, Local Hospital. Contacted person for an agitated patient who was being verbally aggressive and was not responding to chemical sedation.
12:57 am, Medical/Alcohol/Detox Conveyance, N Park St. & College Ct. Contacted/transported/released to detox person after they were observed being entirely carried by two persons.
1:14 am, Other, W. Washington & S. Broom Streets. Liquor Law/Underage Alcohol - Cited suspect for City of Madison Ord: UAL 3rd after they were found in the fetal position at the intersection of W Washington/S Broom.
2:51 am, Assist Law Enforcement Agency, State Street. Assisted City of Madison Police Department on a weapons violation for a person who was shot in the leg at the 500 blk of State St.
3:08 am, Other, Chadbourne Hall. Liquor Law/Underage Alcohol - Cited suspect for UAL 1st after they were reported passed out in the third floor restroom by their roommate.