6:48 am, Found Property, Lot 33. Unknown person turned in urine-soaked iPhone, discovered in Lot 33.
9:07 am, Disorderly Conduct, Sellery Hall. Cited person for UW Disorderly Conduct, after they followed another person into Sellery Hall, through two card access doors, and down a staircase.
9:07 am, Medical/Alcohol/Detox Conveyance, W. Dayton & N. Brooks Streets. Flagged down by person who stated they were having a medical emergency and needed to go to a hospital.
10:08 am, Found Property, Van Hise Hall. Submitted found wallet with contents into UWPD property room for safekeeping.
10:40 am, Damage to Property, Eagle Heights. Contacted person who reported their vehicle was damaged sometime between 10/18/23 20:00 and 10/19/23 09:00 while parked in Lot 40.
12:07 pm, Other, Local Hospital. Request For Assistance - Contacted by telephone person who reported what they felt were violations of several medical policies by staff during procedures.
1:58 pm, Information, Law Building. Made contact with several building and trades personnel.
12:31 am, Information, Susan B. Davis. Cleared building, ref audible alarms and propped open south entry door.
1:10 am, Operating While Intoxicated, N. Randall Ave. & Engineering Drive. Arrested/cited/released suspect for OWI 1st, PAC 1st, and failure to display registration plates.
2:43 am, Operating While Intoxicated, University Ave & Babcock Dr. No disposition at time of briefing release.