6:14 am, Damage to Property, Lot 6. Contacted Transportation Services regarding damage to the gate arm in Lot 6.
9:12 am, Assist Law Enforcement Agency, Cty Hwy PB & US 18. Assisted Verona PD with K9 Sniff of vehicle involved in crash.
1:15 pm, Information, Smith Hall. Contact person regarding potential theft.
1:27 pm, Criminal Damage, Memorial Union. Cited person under the Memorial Library east overhang for UW Code Vandalism to a camera in the Brady Lounge of Memorial Union two days prior.
2:11 pm, Check Person, Memorial Union. Arrested/Cited/Released at the scene suspect for Restricted Use of Union & UW Obstructing/Resisting after they were causing a disturbance at the Rathskellar.
3:50 pm, Found Property, UWPD. White Apple Airpods inside charging case turned into UWPD.
4:30 pm, Other, Ag. Engineering Lab. Report number pulled in error.
5:02 pm, Criminal Damage, UWPD. Contacted person regarding their vehicle being damaged in Lot 46.
6:21 pm, Assist Law Enforcement Agency, Local Hospital. Request for mutual aid with sensitive crimes case.
11:31 pm, Check Person, Witte Hall. Cited person for UAL 1st after housefellows saw them unable to walk by themself.
1:19 am, Check Person, Witte Hall. No disposition at time of briefing release.
1:48 am, Other, N. Mills Street & University Ave. Contacted/Cited/Released on scene suspect for violating red traffic light, verbally warned for possession of drug paraphernalia.
1:55 am, Eluding, Campus Drive & N. Orchard Street. Stopped vehicle for driving the wrong way on Campus Dr at Henry Mall. Vehicle took off at a high rate of speed going through red lights. No pursuit.
5:13 am, Theft/Larceny, Engineering Research Building. No disposition at time of briefing release.