1:34 pm, Theft/Larceny, HSLC. Contacted person who reported their phone charging cord, charging brick, and headphones stolen from their cubicle.
2:51 pm, Criminal Damage, Memorial Union. Contacted person who reported a metal refrigerator lock was damaged between 6pm 10/21 and 10/24.
6:36 pm, Check Person, Music Hall. Spoke with person after they contacted dispatch wanting to speak to someone about the current protests and events on campus in reference to Israel and Palestine.
12:00 am, Other, Regent & Madison Streets. Traffic Stop - Verbally warned person for Operating While Suspended.
1:30 am, Other, Memorial Library. UW Code Violation - Arrested/Cited/Released on foot suspect for camping after custodial staff reported them sleeping under the overhang near the south doors.
2:52 am, Check Person, Memorial Union. Attempted to locate person after they were found in the lounge and currently has a building ban issued to them.