6:35 am, Check Person, Nicolas Recreation Center. Contacted/cited person for UAL after person reported being followed.
7:12 am, Underage Alcohol Violation, Residence Hall. Contacted/cited person after finding them laying on the floor in a residence hall.
7:28 am, Mental Health Welfare Check, Location Redacted. Stood by with person during a welfare check.
8:58 am, Theft/Larceny, Memorial Union. Contact with person who called to report what could be a stolen Memorial Union Terrace chair being sold on FB Marketplace.
10:56 am, Graffiti, Muir Knoll. Graffiti reported by person on kiosk located on Lakeshore Path near Muir Woods.
11:34 am, Assist Law Enforcement Agency, Location Redacted. Assist outside agency with patient at local hospital.
1:50 pm, Information, McBurney Resource Center. Mandatory report received from the Office of Admissions and Recruitment with an applicant essay regarding abuse.
2:31 pm, Motor Vehicle Accident, Lot 76. Contacted person after they reported their vehicle was struck while parked on Level 3 of Lot 76.
2:32 pm, Battery, Location Redacted. Contacted person who reported that a hospital security officer "grabbed by shoulder and pushed out door".
2:50 pm, Criminal Damage, Memorial Union. Contacted person who reported an unknown person threw a plastic sign located on the Info Desk at Memorial Union, breaking the sign and damaging the wall.
8:33 pm, Underage Alcohol Violation, Residence Hall. Cited person for UAL 1st after alcohol was observed through the open door.
9:59 pm, Underage Alcohol Violation, Residence Hall. Cited person for UAL 1st after alcohol was observed in the room.
11:23 pm, Check Person, Lowell Center. Contacted/Cited/Transported to local hospital person for UAL 1st after MFD was contacted for them being passed out in their room in the Lowell Center.
1:19 am, Underage Alcohol Violation, Residence Hall. Contacted/Cited person for UAL 1st after they were reported to be passed out in the 3rd floor lounge.
1:54 am, Underage Alcohol Violation, Residence Hall. Cited person for UAL 1st after friends requested a welfare check.
2:41 am, Medical/Alcohol/Detox Conveyance, Residence Hall. Contacted/Cited for UAL 1st after friend called MFD due to person being unconscious and breathing in hallway.