7:19 am, Graffiti, Lot 29. Cited/Released person for UW Vandalism for graffiti, damage to property in Lot 29 east entry vestibule.
9:26 am, Medical/Alcohol/Detox Conveyance, Bakke Recreation Center. Transported person to local hospital for a medical conveyance.
11:36 am, Fraud, Local Hospital. Contacted person who identified themselves as their sibling after being the victim in a car vs. pedestrian collision on 12/25/23, no further action.
6:34 pm, Trespassing/After Hours, Sellery Hall. Cited person for unauthorized presence.
12:55 am, Operating While Intoxicated, N. Hamilton & E. Johnson Streets. Stopped/Cited/Arrested/Released to Responsible Party suspect for failing to obey traffic sign (driving wrong way on one way), OWI 1st, after they were observed driving the wrong way on Gorham St.