1:31 pm, Theft/Larceny, Local Hospital. Person reported $20 in nickels stolen from his vending stocking cart.
6:17 pm, Check Person, Local Hospital. Contacted and placed into Protective Custody person after their parents brought them into a local hospital ER experiencing a medical crisis.
10:22 pm, Other, N. Park & W. Johnson Streets. Traffic Stop - Stopped person for operating with no registration. Arrested/Cited/Transported/Released to Dane County Jail passenger in vehicle for MPD warrant.
12:02 am, Other, Monroe St & W. Lawn Ave. Traffic Stop - Stopped person for suspended registration and speed.
12:19 am, Other, University Ave. & Ridge St. Traffic Stop - Stopped/Arrested/Cited/Released to Dane County Jail suspect for speeding (reason for stop), criminal OAR, failure to install IID, and OWI 3rd.
1:02 am, Other, W. Johnson & N. Frances Streets. Traffic Stop - No further information available at time of briefing release.