12:18 pm, Fraud, Residence Hall. Contacted person in residence hall who said they were defrauded $750.00 online by a group claiming to be ticket master.
3:51 pm, Battery, Local Hospital. Contacted person who reported they were struck while attempting to place an IV into patient.
9:37 pm, Underage Alcohol Violation, Residence Hall. Cited person for UAL 1st.
12:55 am, Operating While Intoxicated, N. Park & Spring Streets. Arrested/Cited/Released to Responsible Party suspect for OWI 1st, PAC, Driving Wrong Way on Divided Highway.
3:02 am, Other, Monroe Street. Request For Assistance - Spoke with person experiencing mental health crisis.
3:12 am, Medical/Alcohol/Detox Conveyance, Residence Hall. Cited/Transported to local hospital person for UAL 1st and Verbally Warned for fake ID.