6:53 am, Other, Lot 75. Physical Security Compliance - Contacted/Cited/Released person for UWS 18.08(6)(a) {physical security compliance} after Transportation Services reported a vehicle drove through and damaged the north entrance gate.
8:40 am, Theft/Larceny, Nicholas Recreation Center. Contacted person who reported a Bollard was stolen from outside the Labahn arena at 1:59am.
10:31 am, Harassment, Location Redacted. Contacted by telephone person who reported a "Death List" was written on a white board in the 4th floor den/kitchen.
7:39 pm, Follow-up, State Street. Contacted/Cited/Arrested/Transported/Released to Dane County Jail suspect for Probably Cause for disorderly conduct from previous case. Cited for UW possession of dangerous weapon and possess alcohol on UW lands.
1:13 am, Medical/Alcohol/Detox Conveyance, Residence Hall. Contacted/Transported person to local hospital for detox.
2:38 am, Operating While Intoxicated, University Ave & University Bay Drive. Arrested/Cited/Released to Responsible Party person for OWI (1st), PAC (1st), Deviation from designated lane and operating while suspended.