5:05 am, Other, Langdon Street. Update - Protest/Demonstrations: Contacted person during protest on 05/01/2024 at Library Mall and will be issued a citation for UW Code Resisting/Obstruction at a later date.
11:28 am, Alarm, Location Redacted. Met person and escorted to room where alarm was triggered, checked area, located and educated staff working in area regarding door alarms, eye scanners and police presence.
12:20 pm, Threat Assessment, Location Redacted. Contacted person who has received complaints from staff about a non-staff person who has routinely driven by the facility and is known to have weapons and has made threats previously towards staff.
5:16 pm, Emergency Detention, Location Redacted. Contacted person after Dane County Crisis requested an Emergency Detention be pursued.
5:27 pm, Resisting Arrest, Local Hospital. Arrested and released person for disorderly conduct and resisting at the Emergency Department entrance over security screening prior to entry to the patient’s room.
7:53 pm, Fraud, Residence Hall. Contacted person who reported three unauthorized credit card charges for "rocktmarsradio.com" beginning on 4.19.2024.
10:22 pm, Theft/Larceny, Smith Hall. Contacted person who reported their Yellow Leinenkugel bicycle was stolen from smith hall bike racks between 5/17 12pm and 8pm 5/20.
12:14 am, Information, Location Redacted. Contacted person after they reported that their partner had pushed them out of their car on N. Charter Street/W. Johnson Street following an argument.