7:59 am, Follow-up, Location Redacted. Contacted person regarding concerns related to involuntary dismissal of person from chemistry graduate program.
7:59 am, Other, Langdon St. Protest/Demonstrations: Contacted person during protest on 05/01/2024 at Library Mall and will be issued a citation for UW Code Resisting/Obstruction at a later date.
9:40 am, Motor Vehicle Accident, DeJope Residence Hall. Contacted person at DeJope Residence Hall loading dock after they backed their UW Waste & Recycling vehicle into an unoccupied, parked UW Housing Vehicle.
3:10 pm, Motor Vehicle Accident, Lot 60. Person reported one, 1 inch long scratch to passenger front bumper of their vehicle.
8:03 pm, Check Person, Memorial Union. Contacted person regarding theft of black Trek Bike with electric blue decal.
2:17 am, Other, Lake & Dayton Streets. Traffic Stop - Stopped/Verbally Warned person for improper right turn and suspended Registered Owner.
2:45 am, Check Person, Local Hospital. Contacted/Transported to Detox person needing medical assistance.