9:16 am, Damage to Property, Lot 67. Contacted by phone person regarding their blue Tesla Model 3 being struck on the 4th floor of the ramp.
9:17 am, Threat Assessment, Location Redacted. Request For Assistance - Contacted person regarding a threatening email from person.
9:36 am, Check Person, Outside Psychology Building. Cited/Arrested/Released person for UW Camping, Resisting LE (felony), warrant after they were found sleeping in blankets outside Psychology.
1:14 pm, Other, Local Hospital. Request For Assistance - Contacted persons regarding their child was experiencing a medical situation.
2:40 pm, Alarm, Location Redacted. Contacted person who confirmed false alarm.
7:43 pm, Assist Law Enforcement Agency, England Street. Drone Team - Subject found prior to arrival.
8:56 pm, Assist Law Enforcement Agency, Hollow Ridge Road. Drone Team - Cleared prior to arrival.
12:58 am, Check Person, Camp Randall Stadium. Contacted/Cited persons after they were observed climbing over the fence near Gate 7 attempting to leave Camp Randall.
1:47 am, Found Property, UWPD. A gate pass belonging to someone and work badges belonging to another person were turned in as lost & found items.