9:50 am, Other, S. Park St & Braxton Place. Traffic Stop - Contacted/Cited/Arrested/Transported/Released to Dane County Jail suspect for speeding 42mph in a 25mph zone (reason for stop/citation), criminal OAR (issued citation), bail jumping (1 misdemeanor and 2 felony), P&P hold, and possession of Fentanyl. Verbally warned for possession of drug paraphernalia.
11:43 am, Emergency Detention, Location Redacted. Contacted person experiencing a mental health crisis.
12:47 pm, Other, University Ave. & N. Midvale Blvd. Attempted to stop rider on white Kawasaki motorcycle.
2:05 pm, Trespassing/After Hours, Humanities Building. Verbally Warned person for UW camping.
2:14 pm, Theft/Larceny, Cooper Hall. Contacted person regarding theft of department purchasing card.
2:23 pm, Burglary, Highland Ave. While reviewing cameras related to other cases observed potential suspect, cases ongoing.
3:34 pm, Burglary, Moore Hall Horticulture. Contacted person regarding theft of red/black - Honda 2200i generator stolen from inside a locked room sometime between 6/7 and 6/10 at 1:00pm. 6/12.
9:57 pm, Other, Location Redacted. Contacted persons experiencing a medical crisis.
1:28 am, Operating While Intoxicated, W. Johnson & N. Broom Streets. Contacted/Cited/Arrested/Released to Responsible Party person for OWI (1st) and Driving against traffic (one way).