5:28 pm, Other, MSC. Closing Hours Violation - Contacted person who reported seeing another person walking inside MSC and entering a mechanical room on basement level.
6:35 pm, Other, Educational Sciences. Check Building - Report number pulled in error.
12:58 am, Trespassing/After Hours, Camp Randall. Cited persons for UAL 1st, resisting, false ID, and closing hours after they were observed in Camp Randall and subsequently ran from officers.
2:11 am, Operating While Intoxicated, N. Basset & W. Dayton Streets. Contacted/Cited/Arrested/Transported/Released to Dane County Jail suspect for OWI 1st and unreasonable and imprudent speed.
3:21 am, Check Person, Local Hospital. Contacted persons after locating one unconscious on the ground.
4:22 am, Assist Law Enforcement Agency, Location Redacted. Assisted MPD with subject smashing car windows and screaming.