10:24 am, Graffiti, McKay Center. Received email from person reporting new graffiti found inside men's toilet stall in the Arboretum Visitor Center.
10:29 am, Graffiti, Arboretum Buildings. Received email from person reporting new graffiti found at the concrete stormwater flume located on Arboretum property west of 2600 Todd Drive.
5:29 pm, Follow-up, University Ave & Joyce Erdman Pl. Assisted SHPD with a traffic stop reference a vehicle versus bicycle hit and run that occurred on University Av. and N. Mill St.
8:13 pm, Battery, Bakke Recreation Center. Contacted/Cited/Arrested/Transported/Released to Dane County Jail three suspects for multiple charges stemming from a fight that occurred outside of Bakke Recreation Center bust stop. Charges ranging from Felony Bail Jumping/Misdemeanor Bail Jumping, Battery to a Law Enforcement Officer, Obstruction and cited for UW Code Possession of Alcohol on UW Lands.
8:14 pm, Check Person, Elvehjem. Contacted and verbally warned persons for climbing the Scaffolding at the Elvehjem.
8:59 pm, Check Person, Chazen Museum. Pulled in error.
9:44 pm, Resisting Arrest, Extension Building. Contacted/Cited/Arrested/Transported/Released to Dane County Jail suspect for resisting, misdemeanor bail jumping and felony bail jumping after they refused to cooperate with an investigation and subsequently fought.
2:07 am, Information, Local Hospital. Contacted person after they had received threats at local hospital, from another person regarding threats of the patient did not get better.
2:10 am, Operating While Intoxicated, Dayton St & East Campus Mall. Contacted/Cited/Arrested/Released to Responsible Party for OWI 1st. SFSTs, PBT, and breath test refused. Cited for failing to obey traffic signal in work area.