11:23 am, Theft/Larceny, Lot 29. Contacted person who reported their bike was stolen overnight.
5:21 pm, Medical/Alcohol/Detox Conveyance, UWPD Lobby. Contacted person experiencing medical emergency.
9:17 pm, Other, Location Redacted. Contacted person at local hospital emergency room due to a dog bite.
12:25 am, Assist Law Enforcement Agency, Sinykin Ct. Assisted Maple Bluff & Madison PD with a drone deployment regarding a vehicle pursuit which led to a foot bail. Suspect located via drone.
12:53 am, Warrant Served, S. Park & Braxton Streets. Stopped/Verbally Warned person for no visible plate. Detained person due to having a warrant. Warrant confirmed with DCJ, papers served, person was released.
2:55 am, Eluding, E. Dayton & Pickney Streets. Attempted to stop a vehicle after they turned wrong way onto W Johnson St from Wisconsin Ave.