8:17 am, Other, Humanities Building. Request for assistance - Contacted person after they turned in a stainless-steel kitchen knife to UWPD lobby. Knife discovered tucked under a table in rear of Humanities Auditorium while doing electrical work.
10:05 am, Graffiti, Memorial Union. Found graffiti in men's room on urinal divider in the corner.
2:21 pm, Damage to Property, Gordon Commons. While responding to call at Gordon Commons, observation made that the northernmost UW bus shelter on the west side of Lake Street had spider webbed cracking on its northern end.
2:40 pm, Assist Law Enforcement Agency, UWPD. Assisted Oregon PD with a phone associated with an ICAC investigation.
2:46 pm, Graffiti, Gordon Commons. While responding to call at Gordon Commons, observation made that the southernmost UW bus shelter on the west side of Lake Street had graffiti on its southern end.
3:06 pm, Other, Local Hospital. Request for assistance - Contacted person discharged from local hospital and being transferred to another facilty being combative and fighting with hospital security.
9:45 pm, Found Property, Local Hospital. Brown billfold w/ multiple financial cards found inside hospital emergency room. Property placed into property for safekeeping.
11:31 pm, Operating While Intoxicated, N. Randall Ave. & W. Dayton St. Contacted/Cited/Arrested/Released to Responsible Party for OWI (1st) and exceeding speed zones 49/30.
11:33 pm, Other, S. Park Street. Traffic Stop - Stopped person for operating at high speed (44 in 25). Person cited for Criminal OAR and Speeding and verbally warned for non-registration.