6:04 am, Graffiti, Witte Hall. Contacted person regarding graffiti on the north west corner of Witte Hall.
7:43 am, Graffiti, Library Mall. Located multiple stenciled, spray-painted areas on sidewalk near fountain of library mall after Dispatch noted graffiti from cameras.
9:14 am, Follow-up, Residence Hall. Contact with person who wanted to report disturbing videos sent through a snapchat group.
10:07 am, Theft/Larceny, Eagle Heights. Contacted person who reported they ordered an iPhone 14 Pro in Silver on 8/24/24 from Amazon that was delivered on 8/25/24 but never received the delivery.
1:50 pm, Motor Vehicle Accident, Lot 67. Contacted person with Transportation Services staff member who reported a vehicle with bikes on top of the vehicle struck the arm gate due to the bikes.
2:22 pm, Information, UWPD. Drug evidence disposal with MERI.
3:45 pm, Damage to Property, Vet Med South. Contacted person who was informed by a construction contractor of damage to a concrete barrier/fence.
3:54 pm, Information, Local Hospital. Contacted person via phone requesting to report being injured by a patient.
11:38 pm, Theft/Larceny, Johnson & Mills Streets. Stopped/Verbally Warned person for theft after observing them carrying away a handheld "Stop" and "Slow" Sign from a construction site.