11:00 am, Motor Vehicle Accident, Lot 46. Contacted person who reported a witness observed their vehicle being struck multiple times by another vehicle as they attempted to park in a stall.
11:33 am, Other, Lot 76. UW Code Violation - Cited person for UW bypass security device and verbally warned for same offense 16 times while exiting the lot between 09/04/24 and present day.
12:55 pm, Medical/Alcohol/Detox Conveyance, Location Redacted. MFR transported patient to local hospital no police assistance needed.
2:40 pm, Theft/Larceny, Camp Randall Stadium. Electric scooter stolen, will be in contact with victim upon return to Madison from out of state travel.
3:42 pm, Battery, Location Redacted. Contacted person who reported being shoved and struck in the face by another person not from the area. Incident ongoing with outside agency.
3:56 pm, Medical/Alcohol/Detox Conveyance, Location Redacted. MFR transported patient to local hospital experiencing mental health crisis.
5:49 pm, Motor Vehicle Accident, Lot 60. Contacted person regarding their vehicle being struck and note left by person who hit their vehicle.
9:39 pm, Operating While Intoxicated, W. Johnson St. & East Campus Mall. Contacted/Cited/Arrested/Released to Responsible Party person for OWI First, operating without valid drivers license, possession of open intoxicants operator violation of red traffic light, vehicle searched and parked in Sellery Hall parking lot.
10:29 pm, Operating While Intoxicated, W. Johnson & Marion Streets. Contacted/Cited/Arrested/Released to Responsible Party person for OWI 1st, PAC 1st and failure to yield to pedestrian. Stopped for lightly hitting a pedestrian in a crosswalk as pedestrian had right of way.
11:03 pm, Resisting Arrest, Vilas Hall. Obstruction/Resisting - Cited one person after refusing to exit an Uber Drivers vehicle at drop off location. Once person was removed from the vehicle they were cited for obstructing/resistance.
12:12 am, Underage Alcohol Violation, Residence Hall. Contacted/Cited/Released person for UAL 1st. after Housefellow found them puking in the lobby.
12:54 am, Underage Alcohol Violation, Residence Hall. Contacted/Cited person for UAL 1st after being found vomiting in bathroom by Housefellows.
1:15 am, Underage Alcohol Violation, Residence Hall. Contacted person after Housefellows located them vomiting in the bathroom.
1:35 am, Underage Alcohol Violation, Lowell Center. Contacted person after they fell several blocks away from Lowell injuring their knee. Person checked by MFR prior to transport to local hospital by UWPD, clearly intoxicated and cited for UAL 2nd to be issued at a later date.
1:37 am, Underage Alcohol Violation, Residence Hall. Contacted person after passerby called 911 because they were vomiting. Person is on probation with rules not to consume alcohol but DOC said they could be released.
1:53 am, Medical/Alcohol/Detox Conveyance, Location Redacted. Transported person to detox after they were found on the ground at East Campus Mall passed out.