- 8:43 am, Burglary, Residence Hall. Contacted person who reported their laptop and jacket were taken between 12/12 & 12/13.
- 12:00 pm, Graffiti, Law Building. Contacted person who reported graffiti to the interior of a bathroom stall.
- 2:06 pm, Theft/Larceny, Residence Hall. Contacted person who reported clothes were stolen out of dryer.
- 2:21 pm, Damage to Property, Lot 75. Transportation Services advised vehicle drove through the Lot 75 Entrance Gate arm.
- 2:57 pm, Theft/Larceny, Humanities Building. Contacted person reporting their bike was stolen from a rack at the NE corner of Humanities.
- 9:30 pm, Eluding, Butler & Johnson Streets. Attempted to stop vehicle for unreasonable/imprudent speed. Vehicle eluded at high rate of speed southbound on N Butler St from W Johnson St. Vehicle then eluded a MPD unit moments after. Follow up to be continued.
- 1:36 am, Other, Basset St. & W. Washington Ave. Traffic Stop - Stopped vehicle for failure to obey traffic sign/signal (drove on State St). Odor of Marijuana and subsequent vehicle search conducted. Tiny pieces of marijuana spread around car. Verbally warned driver for traffic violation and possession of marijuana and verbally warned passenger for marijuana.
- 1:56 am, Other, University Ave. & Orchard St. Stopped/cited driver for violating a red traffic signal (Charter/University). Also verbally warned for operating without required lamps lighted.