12:01 am, Theft/Larceny, Local Hospital. Contacted person reporting items stolen from their property while patient at local hospital.
7:13 am, Medical/Alcohol/Detox Conveyance, Location Redacted. Disregarded by MFR upon arrival. No police action required.
9:24 am, Other, Location Redacted. Person found deceased; no additional information provided.
6:14 pm, Graffiti, Gordon Commons. Contacted person reporting graffiti etched into a tile above a urinal in the second floor men’s restroom (east of symphony meeting room).
8:16 pm, Theft/Larceny, Gordon Commons. Contacted person after they reported their black backpack was taken after they had fallen, were rendered unconscious, and transported to local hospital. Items were taken by good Samaritan and trying to connect both to get items back to initial person.
10:13 pm, Other, University Ave & Orchard. Traffic Stop - Stopped/Cited/Released to Responsible Party person for Violating Solid Red Traffic Control Signal and cited passenger for Possess Open Intoxicants in Motor Vehicle.