- 7:55 am, Disorderly Conduct, Local Hospital. Contacted person who stated they were threatened by hospital employee and became verbally and physically aggressive. Person verbally warned for disorderly conduct.
- 2:13 pm, Mental Health Welfare Check, Location Redacted. Contacted person who called experiencing a mental health crisis.
- 2:16 pm, Motor Vehicle Accident, Lot 10. Contacted person who broke the back window of UW Fleet vehicle.
- 6:10 pm, Follow-up, W. Johnson Street. Contacted person requesting assistance regarding information from another case.
- 8:18 pm, Warrant Served, S. Park & Cedar Streets. Contacted/Cited/Arrested/Transported/Released to Dane County Jail suspect after being stopped for operating without valid license and subsequently arrested for an active warrant.
- 8:44 pm, Other, USH 12 Eastbound. Traffic Stop - Stopped/cited person for speeding (pace 100+/55) and reckless driving 1st. Cited for non-registration of auto.
- 8:52 pm, Burglary, Eagle Heights. Contacted, detained persons after a resident called to report persons attempted to enter apartment and neighbor's apartment.
- 11:19 pm, Threat Assessment, Location Redacted. Contacted person who reported another person threatened them regarding a patient at local hospital.
- 12:03 am, Other, W. Johnson & N. Orchard Streets. Traffic Stop - Cited person for violate red light. Detained for uncertain answer to weapons question.
- 1:53 am, Operating While Intoxicated, Wisconsin Ave. & W. Dayton Street. Contacted/Cited/Arrested/Transported/Released to Dane County Jail suspect for Exceeding Posted Limit (35/25: Pacing Cite), Operating While Impaired 2nd, Felony Bail Jumping, Possess Open Intoxicants (Cite) in Motor Vehicle, and Possession of THC.
- 4:28 am, Check Person, Local Hospital. Contacted/Cited/Arrested/Transported/Released to Dane County Jail suspect for battery to a healthcare worker, disorderly conduct, parole violation and strangulation.