8:48 am, Disorderly Conduct, Memorial Union. Contacted/Cited person for disorderly conduct and lewd and lascivious behavior for disturbing someone with inappropriate behavior in the Memorial Union and issued a ban letter by Memorial Union staff.
4:37 pm, Motor Vehicle Accident, Lot 46. Transportation Services vehicle struck rear driver side taillight of University vehicle while entering lot to park.
4:55 pm, Medical/Alcohol/Detox Conveyance, Location Redacted. Disregarded by fire.
6:15 pm, Check Person, Memorial Union. Contacted person while conducting a foot patrol of the building when they exited and began vomiting. Later located person in the building where they were being detained for being on UW lands/parole violation. Transported to Dane County Jail without incident, property entered into safekeeping.
8:53 pm, Disorderly Conduct, Residence Hall. Contacted/Cited/Arrested/Transported/Released to Dane County Jail suspect for Disorderly conduct, Criminal trespass to Dwelling, UAL 1st and False ID.
11:49 pm, Assist Law Enforcement Agency, W. Dayton Street. Assisted MPD with a weapons violation.
12:56 am, Underage Alcohol Violation, Residence Hall. Contacted/Cited person for UAL 1st and possession of a fake ID after housefellows witnessed them throwing up in the garbage can, intoxicated not incapacitated.
1:05 am, Underage Alcohol Violation, Residence Hall. Contacted/Cited person during detox evaluation, found to be intoxicated not incapacitated, after being found laying on the floor in their dorm room.
2:01 am, Operating While Intoxicated, Gorham & Henry Streets. Arrested/Cited/Released to Responsible Party person for OWI 1st and failure to stop at stop sign.
5:02 am, Other, Lot 8. Suspicious Vehicle - Contacted person after their vehicle was reported as suspicious by UW grounds. Owner told they could park their vehicle in location by CSC staff on Lakeshore path – THC vape and empty gummy bag confiscated, verbally warned for possession of THC on University land.