10:43 am, Information, Location Redacted. Contacted person to assist with another person who was experiencing mental health crisis.
11:26 am, Mental Health Welfare Check, Location Redacted. Contacted person experiencing mental health crisis.
3:45 pm, Mental Health Welfare Check, Location Redacted. Contacted person experiencing mental health crisis.
3:49 pm, Found Property, Nielsen Tennis Stadium. Property found, attempts to locate unsuccessful and items placed into safe keeping.
5:02 pm, Theft/Larceny, Fleet Garage. Contacted person who reported headlights stolen from their bicycle which was locked to the bike rack on the Charter Street side of the Fleet Garage.
5:31 pm, Theft/Larceny, Lot 63. Contacted person who reported their items stolen from an unlocked vehicle which was parked in Lot 63 in front of the ER entrance.
8:31 pm, Trespassing/After Hours, Residence Hall. Contacted/Cited person after complaints were made of them wandering the building and making residents feel uncomfortable.
11:46 pm, Damage to Property, Breese Terrace and University Ave. Observed a glass panel of the UW metro bus stop south of Engineering Centers Building shattered.
4:59 am, Check Person, W. Dayton & N. Orchard Streets. Incident ongoing at time of briefing release.