6:57 am, Check Person, Lot 87. Contacted person who reported a verbal argument with another person who parked in Lot 87 which they believed had no permission, wanted interaction documented, nothing further.
9:53 am, Theft/Larceny, Kohl Center. Contacted person who reported the theft of their phone while at the Kohl Center for WIAA, and noticed the phone missing when they arrived at the Fluno Center.
10:33 am, Criminal Damage, Ogg Hall. Responded to Ogg Hall for second floor North West fire door that was kicked in and is no longer operational (won’t close).
12:13 pm, Theft/Larceny, Discovery Building. Contacted/Cited person for theft after they stole an item from a special event.
12:47 pm, Information, Martin Street Lot. Camp site was located approximately 1800 yards into the Arboretum. The site consisted of a hammock, multiple torn tarps, frozen cloths, random trash, prescription medications belonging to the owner, and a sleeping bag, items placed into safekeeping.
5:14 pm, Found Property, UWPD. Attempted to contact person after UWPD Security found their DL at the Chazen Museum of Art, item placed into safekeeping.
11:06 pm, Drug Violation, E. Johnson & N. Pinckney Streets . Stopped person for improper left turn. Vehicle searched due to open intoxicants. Seized two containers of alcohol and small amount of marijuana. Cited driver for possession of open intoxicants and operating while suspended, verbally warned for possession of MJ/THC and improper left turn.
1:45 am, Underage Alcohol Violation, Residence Hall. Housefellows reported person vomiting in the bathroom, citation to be issued at a later date.
1:58 am, Underage Alcohol Violation, Residence Hall. Housefellows reported person vomiting in the bathroom, citation to be issued at a later date.