5:59 am, Bail Jumping, Lot 7. Contacted/Cited/Arrested/Transported/Released to Dane County Jail suspect for Misd. Bail Jumping after they were found sleeping on the bottom floor of Lot 7, has bail conditions to not be on UW Lands.
8:13 am, Found Property, Bellflower Lane/UWPD. Zebra brand phone found by Uber driver, while cleaning their car, turned into UWPD.
9:20 am, Found Property, Lot 34. Cell Phone found on Lot 34 stairs, unable to contact owner and placed into safekeeping.
9:29 am, Theft/Larceny, Smith Hall. Contacted person who reported theft of their e-bike from the racks on the east side of Smith Hall.
12:19 pm, Motor Vehicle Accident, Lot 40. Contacted person who advised their unoccupied state delivery vehicle was struck by a vehicle that left the scene.
12:49 pm, Theft/Larceny, University Houses. Contacted by telephone person who reported a package showed up at their door that had been opened and with items missing.
2:03 pm, Found Property, UWPD. Attempted phone and email contact with person without response, item placed into safekeeping to be picked up during business hours.
4:45 pm, Found Property, Kohl Center. Attempted to locate owner of found black phone, placed into safekeeping.
10:19 pm, Theft/Larceny, Nicholas Recreation Center. Contacted person who had their badminton racket taken from the 3rd floor of the Nic. Cameras reviewed, suspects identified, contacted and both verbally warned for theft as the racket was returned to owner.
11:37 pm, Other, Erin & S. Park Streets. Traffic Stop - Stopped/Verbally Warned/Released to responsible driver person for Improper Display of Registration (No License Plate), Operate Motor Vehicle Without Valid License, and County Possession of THC.