We know that, though the campus provides training and information to these staff members, many student victims do not feel comfortable talking to law enforcement, campus administrators, professors, or advisors. Healing can look different for everyone. Additional services, including confidential options, are available to victims, both on and off campus. Here are confidential resources a victim may utilize. A report to these organizations, both on campus and off, will not result in an institutional response from UW–Madison or a law enforcement investigation.*
*Exceptions to confidentiality include reports of child abuse (victims 17 or younger), elder abuse, and threats of imminent harm to self or others. Reports and disclosures made to these offices will not result in a formal institutional response from UW–Madison.
On Campus
UHS Survivor Services provides free, confidential support services to UW–Madison student survivors of sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, sexual harassment, sexual exploitation, and/or stalking.
608-265-1483 option 3)
UHS Counseling and Consultation (mental health)
Contact all University Health Services (UHS) by phone: 608-265-5600 (24 hours)
Visit UHS: 333 East Campus Mall, Madison, WI 53715
UHS Medical Services offers a range of medical services for persons affected by sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence and stalking including treatment of injuries, emergency contraception, pregnancy testing, HIV testing and screening and treatment for other STIs. UHS clinical medicine does NOT complete toxicology tests or forensic medical exams.
333 East Campus Mall, Floors 5 and 6, Madison, WI
Employee Assistance Office (employees only)
610 Langdon Street, Lowell Center, Room 226, Madison, WI 53703
608-263-2987 or toll-free 877-260-0281
The Ombuds Office (employees only) is a safe place where UW-Madison employees can seek guidance regarding workplace concerns at any time, without fear of reprisal, and at no cost to them. Ombuds provide faculty and staff with a confidential place to collaboratively explore complaints, clarify issues, and consider options and resources to address their concerns. Ombuds are impartial and non-aligned, working to promote fairness in the workplace.
Off Campus
UnityPoint Health Meriter Forensic Nurse Examiner provides medical and forensic examination for victims of sexual assault, domestic violence and dating violence. Nurses will examine for injuries, collect evidence, and offer medications to prevent STIs and/or pregnancy. Evidence can be collected with 5 days of an assault. There is no requirement to report to law enforcement.
UnityPoint Health Meriter Forensic Nurse Examiner
202 S. Park St., Madison, WI (Use Emergency Room entrance)
Domestic Abuse Intervention Services (DAIS)
24-hour line: 608-251-4445 or toll-free 800-747-4045
RCC Sexual Violence Resource Center
2801 Coho Street #301, Madison, WI, 53703
24-hour line: 608-251-7273
Deaf Unity
Victim advocacy for victims of sexual assault, intimate partner violence, and/or stalking provided by staff who are Deaf and use American Sign Language (including text helpline) and provide emotional support, and accompaniment to medical appointments and court dates.
Text helpline: 608-466-2881, M–F 9 a.m.–10 p.m.
Freedom, Inc.
Victim advocacy services for victims of sexual assault and intimate partner violence that are language/gender/generation and culture-specific to wimmin, gender non-conforming, and youth in African American and Southeast Asian families.
601 Bay View, Madison, WI 53715
Office: 608-661-4089, M–F 9 a.m.–5 p.m.
UNIDOS Against Domestic Violence
Victim advocacy services for Latina and non-Latina survivors of sexual assault and domestic violence
Toll Free: 1-800-510-9195