How to report

We encourage you to report any incident of sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence and stalking as soon as possible. You may report to UWPD, the Office of Student Assistance and Support or the Title IX Coordinator in the Sexual Misconduct Resource and Response Program within the Office of Compliance. If the crime occurred on UW–Madison property, UWPD has jurisdiction on the campus. If the crime occurred off campus, the victim can notify the appropriate local law enforcement agency with jurisdiction at the location of the crime. UWPD will assist the victim in identifying the correct law enforcement agency and will assist the victim in reporting it to that agency.

If you choose to report to UWPD, the Office of Student Assistance and Support, or to the Title IX Coordinator, UW–Madison will investigate and may, to the extent possible, pursue disciplinary action against the accused. UW–Madison will also keep a record of the report and it may be logged an anonymous crime statistic in various reports that UW–Madison publishes, including the ASR.

Depending on the nature of the report, a Crime Warning may be issued to the campus community. Crime Warnings will never include the victim’s name or victim-identifying information.

If you choose to report, please note the following:

  • The preservation of evidence may strengthen investigations, which may result in a better chance of holding the accused responsible for or obtaining a restraining order. Evidence may include the clothing you were wearing at the time, a record of threatening text messages and emails, or bodily fluids.
  • Although it is best not to shower, if you have showered or changed clothes, you can still file a police report, get a medical exam or report the incident to UW–Madison.

Reports to Law Enforcement

A victim has the right and is encouraged to notify the appropriate law enforcement agency to report sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence and stalking. Victims also have the right to be assisted by campus authorities in notifying law enforcement if the victim chooses. UPWD has highly trained sensitive crime detectives to investigate your case.

University of Wisconsin Police Department (UWPD)
911 (on-campus), 608-264-2677
1429 Monroe St., Madison, WI 

Madison Police Department (For crimes that occur off campus)
911 (off campus), 608-255-2345
211 S. Carroll St., Madison, WI

Reports to UW–Madison

We encourage victims to report an incident of sexual harassment, sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, stalking, and sexual exploitation to UW–Madison. Victims are under no obligation to report to law enforcement, even if they report to UW–Madison or seek confidential services.

Office of Student Assistance and Support
500 Lincoln Drive | 70 Bascom Hall
Madison, WI

Title IX Coordinator
500 Lincoln Dr. | 361 Bascom Hall
Madison, WI