Each year, UWPD analyzes “use of force” (also called “response to resistance”), because encountering some type of resistance from the person is what causes the officer to use force. It is vital to review these responses to resistance to identify potential areas for improvement and areas in which enhanced training or policy adaptations are needed.
Yearly charts that describe incidents of persons resisting officers can be found below. The charts provide a racial breakdown of persons resisting officers, the types of force used, and the time of day when these incidents occurred.
The data reflected on this page includes all use of force incidents as defined by UWPD. You may notice this data is different than what is shown on the UWPD Equity Dashboard. That’s because of direct feedback from our community — community members conveyed their interest in the specific data points captured on the Equity Dashboard.
Because we hold ourselves at an even higher standard, we will continue to remain transparent by including ALL use of force data on this page.