CRIME WARNING: Sexual Assault Reported at Fraternity House

  • Incident date: April 3, 2016, 12:00 am
  • Incident type: Sexual Assault
  • Location/address: Langdon Street -- UW-Madison Fraternity House

Early Sunday morning, April 3, 2016, a sexual assault was reported to have occurred at a UW-Madison fraternity house on Langdon Street. The reported sexual assault happened between 12:45 a.m. and 1:30 a.m. The crime was reported to UWPD by a third party.

UW-Madison prohibits sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking. These crimes will not be tolerated on campus and are a violation of Wisconsin law as well as the student code of conduct. Violence and the fear of violence can disrupt the working and learning processes of the UW-Madison community. The effects of such violence are costly, not only to individual victims, but also to the campus as a whole: fear replaces safety, doubt replaces confidence, and distraction replaces concentration. UW-Madison proactively addresses sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, and stalking.

Sexual assault is never the fault of the victim. While nothing is failsafe, here are some suggestions everyone should consider:

  • Most commonly, sexual assault is perpetrated not by a stranger but by someone the victim knows, typically a date or acquaintance.
  • Alcohol and drugs are often used to create vulnerability to sexual assault. Studies of sexual assault incidents show a high correlation between acquaintance rape and drug/alcohol usage.
  • Make sure you have consent. Consent is a clear and freely given yes, not the absence of a no.
  • People who are incapacitated by alcohol or drugs cannot give consent. Signs of incapacitation may include—but are not limited to—throwing up, slurring words, stumbling, or not being able to remember conversations.
  • If you’ve been sexually assaulted, tell someone – there are resources available to help you.

Please visit and for more information about preventing sexual violence. See for more information about Clery Act implementation at UW-Madison.