Sexual Assault – 10/17/14
- Incident date: October 17, 2014, 12:00 am
- Incident type: Sexual Assault
- Location/address: UW-Madison Campus
Members of the UW-Madison Community,
You are receiving this Crime Warning as part of UW-Madison’s commitment to providing campus-area crime information, in compliance with the federal Clery Act (Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act).
On Thursday, October 23, 2014, UW-Madison was made aware of a sexual assault that occurred in an on-campus residence hall on Friday, October 17, 2014. The incident was not reported to the UW-Madison Police Department, and is not currently being investigated by police. No other information is available.
If you’ve been sexually assaulted, tell someone – there are resources available to help you. Please visit for more information. Although no measure is failsafe, here are some protective measures you might consider to increase your personal safety and the safety of those around you:
- Make sure you have consent. Consent is a clear and freely given yes, not the absence of a no.
- People who are incapacitated by alcohol or drugs cannot give consent.
- Practice being assertive about your boundaries.
- If saying NO or STOP is too hard, consider creating a diversion so you can leave.
- Get your own drinks; don’t let someone continually fill your cup or leave your drink unattended.
For more information on the Clery Act, and why you’re receiving this federally mandated Crime Warning, please visit