Risk Assessment Form

Risk assessments shall evaluate risks to the campus community from criminal activity, risks to campus community from accidents, risk of property loss to the institution and individuals, and liability issues. Each assessment shall contain an analysis conclusion with recommendations for mitigation. Recommendations shall be forwarded to the person requesting the assessment. The information provided in this document will be kept confidential as to not compromise the safety and security of the facility and staff in the area.

The steps involved in a security scope are as follows:

  1. Site visit of the space with the Infrastructure Security Unit within two weeks of the request being submitted.
  2. Security consultant completes a report of recommendations of security features or determines if education or training should occur.
  3. The scope report is sent electronically to the requestor and Facilities, Planning and Management (FPM).
  4. The requestor reviews the scope report, chooses the proposed recommended changes and submits a work order for FPM to provide an estimate of the selected security improvements.
  5. The security consultant will follow-up with the requestor two weeks after the report was sent for review.
  6. FPM conducts the installation of security features chosen by the requestor.
  7. The security consultant will follow up with the requestor within a reasonable amount of time after any implementations has occurred.

Please complete the form below — complete all fields to the best of your ability.