Daily Blotter Archive
The blotter content below represents significant incidents/calls for service from the previous 24 hours, starting at 6 a.m. the prior day. For example, incidents listed on January 2 occurred starting at 6 a.m. on January 1.
Daily Blotter for February 5th 2024
- 11:11 am, Motor Vehicle Accident, Lot 46. Contact with person who was sitting in a University owned vehicle was side swiped by another vehicle while they were trying to pull into Lot 46 and park for Men's Basketball game.
- 12:19 pm, Other, W. Johnson & N. Lake Streets. Traffic Stop - Attempted traffic stop for failure to stop for red light at Johnson/N. Orchard St.
- 3:26 pm, Disorderly Conduct, Kohl Center. Person reported an unknown person approached them while outside and caused them to feel uncomfortable.
- 7:54 pm, Medical/Alcohol/Detox Conveyance, Nicholas Recreation Center. EMS transported patient to local hospital.
- 8:06 pm, Found Property, UWPD. Wallet turned into Police Department after being found.
Daily Blotter for February 4th 2024
- 4:33 pm, Assist Law Enforcement Agency, W. Gilman Street. Detained person who was a suspect from a disturbance/battery that occurred on Gilman/University Ave.
- 6:33 pm, Assist Law Enforcement Agency, Camden Road. Assisted MPD regarding a weapons violation, suspect battered and pointed a firearm at victim before fleeing on foot.
- 8:08 pm, Disorderly Conduct, Hamel Music Hall. Building Manager reported person was intoxicated and being disruptive during a sold out musical performance. Person Arrested/Cited/Transported to Dane County Jail for Disorderly Conduct.
- 9:36 pm, Other, Residence Hall. Liquor Law Underage - Transported/Cited person for UAL 2nd and V/W for Possession a Fake ID after they were called in by House Fellows for a detox evaluation for consumption of alcohol and consuming medication. Person transported to local hospital for medical clearance and later transported to Detox without incident.
- 12:33 am, Medical/Alcohol/Detox Conveyance, Residence Hall. Located person after other persons were carrying them inside building for their safety. Person transported to detox.
- 12:46 am, Medical/Alcohol/Detox Conveyance, Veterans Hospital. Cited person for UAL 1st and VW for fake ID and transported to detox without incident.
- 2:20 am, Operating While Intoxicated, Monroe & Regent Streets. Located person slumped over in their vehicle, which was found sideways in the road and blocking traffic. Person Arrested/Cited/Released to Responsible Party for OWI 1st, UAL 1st.
- 3:34 am, Check Person, Residence Hall. Person called 911 saying their friend was highly intoxicated, locked themself in the bathroom, and was not responding.
Daily Blotter for February 3rd 2024
- 3:16 pm, Alarm, Location Redacted. Prior to Police arrival, staff stated they were the one who set off the alarm and did not need police response.
- 8:09 pm, Medical/Alcohol/Detox Conveyance, Bakke Recreation Center. MFR transported patient to local hospital ER for a shoulder injury occurring during a basketball game.
- 8:59 pm, Medical/Alcohol/Detox Conveyance, Kohl Center. Transported person to Detox from the Kohl Center after a detox evaluation conducted by officers at Men's Hockey game.
- 11:07 pm, Other, Mills & Johnson Streets. Traffic Stop - Stopped person for suspended registration and suspended Registered Owner. Confiscated fake CA driver's license, verbally warned for operating without driver's license (violate instructional permit rules), operating a suspended motor vehicle, and possession of a fake ID.
- 12:10 am, Information, Local Hospital. Contacted person at local hospital ER who requested to speak with UWPD.
- 12:28 am, Medical/Alcohol/Detox Conveyance, Spring & Park Streets. Contacted person for an intox evaluation after friends reported they needed help.
- 12:40 am, Follow-up, Spring & Park Street. No information available at time of briefing release.
- 1:34 am, Medical/Alcohol/Detox Conveyance, Residence Hall. Contacted person after their friend reported them to be unconscious after drinking.
- 2:35 am, Other, Frances & Johnson Streets. Traffic Stop - Verbally Warned person for a tail light out and possession of marijuana.
- 2:36 am, Underage Alcohol Violation, Residence Hall. Cited person after housefellows found them passed out on the ground.
Daily Blotter for February 2nd 2024
- 1:51 pm, Information, McBurney Resource Center. Received a mandatory report from the Office of Admissions.
- 12:00 am, Medical/Alcohol/Detox Conveyance, University Ave. Responded to local bar for a person in medical crisis.
Daily Blotter for February 1st 2024
- 4:11 pm, Criminal Damage, Engineering Hall. Contacted person after they confessed to throwing a snowball and unintentionally breaking the exterior window.
- 4:23 pm, Information, McBurney Resource Center. Received a mandatory report from the Office of Admissions.
- 5:45 pm, Other, Location Redacted. Request For Assistance - Spoke to person regarding emails from another person that were concerning in nature for their wellbeing.
- 6:11 pm, Motor Vehicle Accident, Lot 67. Contacted person in reference to crashing their vehicle into the gate arm at Lot 67.
- 9:31 pm, Found Property, Medical Sciences Center. A pair of lost and found headphones were logged into safekeeping.
- 1:15 am, Other, Johnson & Mills Streets. Traffic Stop - Stopped/Cited suspect for exceeding speed zones 43 in a 25.
- 1:37 am, Found Property, UWPD. A WI DL was turned in at the UWPD after it was discovered on State St.
- 2:10 am, Operating While Intoxicated, Franklin Ave & Franklin Ct. Arrested/Cited/Transported/Released to Dane County Jail suspect for OWI 1st. Cited for exceeding speed limit 45 in a 25.
Daily Blotter for January 31st 2024
- 5:38 am, Motor Vehicle Accident, 27 N. Charter St. Contacted person who was operating UW-dump truck and took a corner too tightly entering lot 51 on 01/29/24 at about 11:15 - 11:30am hitting parked vehicle.
- 8:00 am, Graffiti, Picnic Point Grounds. Contacted via email to report new graffiti found on the Beach House located in the Picnic Point grounds.
- 10:41 am, Information, American Family Children's Hospital. Contacted person who reported misappropriation of grant funds ($4900) in 2018.
- 11:21 am, Motor Vehicle Accident, Kohl Center Loading Dock. Contacted person who advised his TV trailer was struck by a Badger Bus on January 26, 2024 around 9:45 p.m. in the Kohl Center loading dock.
Daily Blotter for January 30th 2024
- 5:39 am, Check Person, Grainger Hall. Cited person for camping in Grainger Hall, verbally warned for closing hours.
- 7:02 pm, Motor Vehicle Accident, Chamberlain & Farley Avenues. Contacted person who reported their vehicle had been struck by a black Ford Edge.
- 7:49 pm, Medical/Alcohol/Detox Conveyance, Nicholas Recreation Center. Madison Fire Department paramedics transported person to hospital after they dislocated their shoulder playing basketball.
Daily Blotter for January 29th 2024
- 1:28 am, Criminal Damage, Lot 75. Contacted Transportation Services regarding damage to the gate arm in lot 75.
- 6:20 pm, Information, Lot 57. Contacted persons who reported damage to their vehicle.
- 12:34 am, Medical/Alcohol/Detox Conveyance, Location Redacted. Detox/transport of person who was under the consumption of alcohol and made S.I statements.
- 2:58 am, Other, Overlook Terrace & Campus Drive. Cited person for operating after revocation (Misd.) and failure to install IID (Misd.). Stopped/VW for speed 41/25, released to a responsible party.
Daily Blotter for January 28th 2024
- 1:18 pm, Assault, UWPD. Contacted person off campus, reported domestic violence.
- 7:34 pm, Medical/Alcohol/Detox Conveyance, Bakke Recreation Center. Transported person to local hospital for hand injury.
- 7:43 pm, Follow-up, UWPD. Follow Up Reference call is no longer unfounded and follow up will be attempted with theft suspect.
- 1:09 am, Medical/Alcohol/Detox Conveyance, Residence Hall. Cited patient for UAL and EMS transported to a local hospital for treatment.
- 1:18 am, Medical/Alcohol/Detox Conveyance, Residence Hall. Contacted person after a housefellow reported them to be intoxicated, vomiting and passed out in 10th floor bathroom. Transported to Detox.
Daily Blotter for January 27th 2024
- 12:16 pm, Disorderly Conduct, Memorial Union. Cited person for UW Disorderly Conduct.
- 3:49 pm, Other, Lot 75. Accidents All Other - Contacted persons who were involved in a non-injury crash inside the lot.
- 10:56 pm, Underage Alcohol Violation, Field house. Observed/Contacted persons in a verbal dispute.
- 11:38 pm, Criminal Damage, N. Frances Street. Contact with person with Housing who reported a light pole (City of Madison owned) had been knocked over.
- 12:12 am, Fraud, Witte Hall. Contacted person who reported losing $225 to fraud email on 01/26/24.
- 1:21 am, Underage Alcohol Violation, Witte Hall. Contacted/Cited persons for UAL.
- 1:32 am, Underage Alcohol Violation, W. Dayton & N. Mills Streets. Contacted person after watching them struggle to stand on their own.
- 3:15 am, Other, University Ave & N. Breese Terrace. Traffic Stop - Stopped person for speed (40/25) and failure to obey flashing red traffic signal. Also cited Driver for possession of open intoxicants in motor vehicle, failure to obey flashing red traffic signal, and verbally warned for speed.