Daily Blotter Archive
The blotter content below represents significant incidents/calls for service from the previous 24 hours, starting at 6 a.m. the prior day. For example, incidents listed on January 2 occurred starting at 6 a.m. on January 1.
Daily Blotter for January 4th 2024
- 8:06 am, Alarm, Location Redacted. Front door likely pulled on by contractors trying to gain access to repair air handlers.
- 12:08 pm, Fraud, Discovery Building. Person reported trading their gaming computer for a "18K gold" bracelet. Person had bracelet tested = 88% copper.
- 12:59 pm, Graffiti, Picnic Point. Received email from person who indicated additional graffiti discovered on Lakesore Path near Picnic Point entrance.
- 2:14 pm, Information, McBurney Resource Center. Received a mandatory report from the Office of Admission.
- 2:18 pm, Disorderly Conduct, Local Hospital. Cited person for UW Disorderly Conduct.
- 4:40 pm, Operating While Intoxicated, W. Beltline Hwy/Approaching exit 265. Arrested/Cited/Released to Responsible Party suspect for OWI 2nd (pending 3rd), PAC, Unsafe Lane Deviation, and OWL.
- 5:19 pm, Emergency Detention, Local Hospital. Contacted/Detained person while inside local hospital Emergency Room for an active UWPD warrant.
- 7:24 pm, Information, UWPD. Contacted person after receiving a check persons report from the Dean of Students Office.
- 10:33 pm, Check Person, Noland Hall. Closing Hours Violation - Contacted person after locating them in the basement area past posted closing hour.
- 11:37 pm, Eluding, S. Park St & Vilas Ave. Cited person for Flee/Eluding an officer - Owner's liability. Attempted a traffic stop at the intersection of S Park/Vilas Ave for suspended registration and failure to signal.
- 2:32 am, Operating While Intoxicated, Campus Dr & Highland Ave. Arrested/Cited/Released to Responsible Party suspect for exceeding speed.
Daily Blotter for January 3rd 2024
- 10:33 am, Criminal Damage, Picnic Point. Contacted person who reported damage to Picnic Point entry gate.
- 12:13 pm, Graffiti, Picnic Point. Contacted person who reported new graffiti on the Lakeshore Path at the Picnic Point entrance. "FREE" (white) "PALESTINE" (red).
- 10:41 pm, Damage to Property, Animal Science. Contacted person regarding property damage of their vehicle’s passenger side mirror.
Daily Blotter for January 2nd 2024
- 4:01 pm, Trespassing/After Hours, Humanities Building. Contacted/Cited person for unauthorized presence and bypassing a security device.
- 4:25 pm, Medical/Alcohol/Detox Conveyance, Location Redacted. Patient transported to local hospital via MFR-EMS, no police assistance needed.
Daily Blotter for January 1st 2024
- 2:15 am, Operating While Intoxicated, N. Park St & Observatory Dr. Original incident recorded on 12/31/2023 - Stopped/Arrested/Cited/Transported/Released to Dane County Jail suspect for OWI 1st, resisting, possession of cocaine, possession of psilocybin, and operate motor vehicle off roadway.
- 11:24 pm, Other, W. Dayton & N. Lake Streets. Traffic Stop - Stopped/Cited person for failure to obey stop sign. Cited passenger for possession of open intoxicants.
- 1:15 am, Operating While Intoxicated, N. Park & Langdon Streets. Arrested/Cited/Released to Responsible Party person for OWI/PAC 1st and operating left of center lane.
- 2:05 am, Medical/Alcohol/Detox Conveyance, Lot 46. Contacted person after they were discovered sleeping in the NW elevator, on the second floor of the lot.
Daily Blotter for December 31st 2023
- 10:47 pm, Other, Camp Randall. Closing Hours Violation - Contacted/Cited/Released persons for closing hours violation.
- 2:15 am, Operating While Intoxicated, N. Park St. & Observatory Dr. No further information available at time of briefing release.
Daily Blotter for December 30th 2023
- 1:31 pm, Theft/Larceny, Local Hospital. Person reported $20 in nickels stolen from his vending stocking cart.
- 6:17 pm, Check Person, Local Hospital. Contacted and placed into Protective Custody person after their parents brought them into a local hospital ER experiencing a medical crisis.
- 10:22 pm, Other, N. Park & W. Johnson Streets. Traffic Stop - Stopped person for operating with no registration. Arrested/Cited/Transported/Released to Dane County Jail passenger in vehicle for MPD warrant.
- 12:02 am, Other, Monroe St & W. Lawn Ave. Traffic Stop - Stopped person for suspended registration and speed.
- 12:19 am, Other, University Ave. & Ridge St. Traffic Stop - Stopped/Arrested/Cited/Released to Dane County Jail suspect for speeding (reason for stop), criminal OAR, failure to install IID, and OWI 3rd.
- 1:02 am, Other, W. Johnson & N. Frances Streets. Traffic Stop - No further information available at time of briefing release.
Daily Blotter for December 29th 2023
- 8:39 am, Check Person, Grainger Hall Parking Ramp - Lot 7. Cited/Released person for UW Unauthorized Presence after they were found lying on the floor of the Lot 7 north street-level elevator lobby.
- 2:40 pm, Medical/Alcohol/Detox Conveyance, Location Redacted. Assisted MFD-EMS patient who needed medical assistance.
- 3:12 pm, Check Person, Grainger Hall. Arrested/Transported/Released to Dane County Jail suspect after being cited earlier in the day for Unauthorized Presence and still returned a few hours later.
- 1:14 am, Check Person, Noland Hall. Contacted/cited person for closing hours.
- 1:56 am, Check Person, Location Redacted. Arrested/Transported/Released to Dane County Jail person for a no drink parole violation Hold.
Daily Blotter for December 28th 2023
- 8:50 am, Criminal Damage, Charmany Farms. Contacted person who reported damage to a perimeter fence.
- 10:30 am, Damage to Property, Lot 75. Contacted person after they struck and damaged exit gate #3.
- 5:31 pm, Information, Smith Hall. Contacted person regarding a possible individual entering the building while they were dropping off another person that is not a resident.
Daily Blotter for December 27th 2023
- 7:19 am, Graffiti, Lot 29. Cited/Released person for UW Vandalism for graffiti, damage to property in Lot 29 east entry vestibule.
- 9:26 am, Medical/Alcohol/Detox Conveyance, Bakke Recreation Center. Transported person to local hospital for a medical conveyance.
- 11:36 am, Fraud, Local Hospital. Contacted person who identified themselves as their sibling after being the victim in a car vs. pedestrian collision on 12/25/23, no further action.
- 6:34 pm, Trespassing/After Hours, Sellery Hall. Cited person for unauthorized presence.
- 12:55 am, Operating While Intoxicated, N. Hamilton & E. Johnson Streets. Stopped/Cited/Arrested/Released to Responsible Party suspect for failing to obey traffic sign (driving wrong way on one way), OWI 1st, after they were observed driving the wrong way on Gorham St.
Daily Blotter for December 26th 2023
- 4:47 pm, Information, Lot 63. Contacted person regarding property damage to their vehicle in lot 63 level P.