Daily Blotter Archive
The blotter content below represents significant incidents/calls for service from the previous 24 hours, starting at 6 a.m. the prior day. For example, incidents listed on January 2 occurred starting at 6 a.m. on January 1.
Daily Blotter for December 5th 2023
- 8:06 am, Mental Health Welfare Check, Location Redacted. Welfare check of person located and treated at local hospital.
- 11:55 am, Theft/Larceny, East Campus Mall. Person reported their bicycle stolen from rack directly south of main doors.
- 2:45 pm, Warrant Served, Grainger Hall. Detained suspect, arrested/transported/released to Dane County jail for pending felony FTA bench warrant.
- 5:01 pm, Theft/Larceny, Chemistry Building. Contacted person regarding their unlocked bicycle being stolen. After contact, person was able to retrieve bike from person who mistakenly took it.
- 5:11 pm, Information, UWPD. Contacted person who reported receiving an email, reference an extension on a paper, had reported they were being locked in a room along with other "inhumane and illegal" actions while joining a Greek life organization between 11/30-12/3.
- 7:49 pm, Motor Vehicle Accident, Lot 75. Contacted person after they mistakenly accelerated while trying to break while entering a parking space.
- 12:46 am, Other, University Ave & N. Brooks Street. Driving Under the Influence - Cited/Arrested/Released to responsible party person for Speeding (Radar 45mph in a 25mph zone) and OWI 1st while operating motor vehicle.
- 1:06 am, Information, Computer Science. Contacted Security Officer at the west entrance door to Computer Science to note the last ADA door looks to be damaged by something heavy striking the bottom of the door from the inside. Door is off-kilter, there is a slight dent on the bottom of the door and it will not shut on its own without forcing it. Building Manager notified.
Daily Blotter for December 4th 2023
- 9:35 am, Theft/Larceny, Memorial Union. Contacted person for motor vehicle theft.
- 10:25 am, Other, University Ave & Mills St. Traffic Stop - Stopped/Cited person for failing to stop at a red light. Odor of marijuana, vehicle search conducted & confiscated approximately 1.5g of marijuana and two open bottles of tequila. Warned for open intoxicants and possession of marijuana.
- 12:29 pm, Theft/Larceny, Kohl Center. Person reported their iphone/wallet stolen.
- 4:18 pm, Lost Property, Memorial Union. Contacted person regarding their missing wallet. Wallet found at local establishment.
- 11:22 pm, Medical/Alcohol/Detox Conveyance, Residence Hall. Contacted/transported person to local hospital after a daylong session of vomiting due to possible stomach flu or food poisoning.
- 12:02 am, Other, Brooks & Regent Streets. Attempted to stop vehicle for speeding, unable to locate after searching area last seen.
- 12:31 am, Found Property, Law Building. Report number pulled in error.
Daily Blotter for December 3rd 2023
- 6:44 am, Damage to Property, Hanson Bio Medical. Will check for damages when safe to go to the room.
- 10:06 am, Check Person, Grainger Hall. Cited/released person for UW Unauthorized Presence after finding them sleeping on the floor of the exterior elevator lobby.
- 12:16 pm, Graffiti, Extension Building. Found new graffiti located on dumpster (pink paint, "BOOZN") and on post (pink paint, "EBT").
- 1:14 pm, Graffiti, Extension Building. While investigating video evidence for another case, evidence was observed of a separate but possibly related incident of graffiti in the same area.
- 3:59 pm, Check Person, Local Hospital. Local hospital security reported a patient had left AMA, was later found and returned to the hospital after extensive search by multiple jurisdictions..
- 9:56 pm, Assist Law Enforcement Agency, Park Ridge Drive. Assisted MPD with drone deployment after a vehicle crashed into a house, and the occupants fled from the vehicle.
Daily Blotter for December 2nd 2023
- 7:36 am, Graffiti, Muir Knoll. Graffiti discovered on info kiosk (pink paint, "BOOZER") and pedestrian bridge (pink paint, "BOOZE"), located approximately 30 yards apart.
- 8:25 am, Graffiti, Picnic Point. On 11/22/23, person sent an email reporting "hate speech" graffiti outside the entrance to Picnic Point.
- 8:39 am, Fire, EHS. False alarm activated by work crew.
- 10:33 pm, Domestic, Location Redacted. Arrested/Cited/Transported/Released to Dane County Jail suspect for Domestic Disorderly Conduct and a Parole Hold after they aggressively started pounding on residents door to gain access into the apartment.
- 11:57 pm, Underage Alcohol Violation, Residence Hall. Cited person for UAL 1st and transported to local hospital by EMS.
Daily Blotter for December 1st 2023
- 12:36 pm, Burglary, SMI. Contacted person who reported a microwave, mini fridge, chair, and totes taken from their locked office sometime between 11/5/23 and 11/29/23. Items located by Building Manager, no further action.
- 4:21 pm, Information, McBurney Resource Center. Received mandatory report (EO54) from the department of admissions.
- 4:43 pm, Theft/Larceny, Red Gym. Contacted person who reported their Diamondback Mason bicycle ($1000) was taken without their permission from the west side bike racks by the Red Gym.
- 8:50 pm, Medical/Alcohol/Detox Conveyance, Local hospital. Contacted person after they left local hospital due to the extended wait time.
- 2:04 am, Underage Alcohol Violation, Residence Hall. Contacted person after a housefellow reported them incapacitated in their bed.
Daily Blotter for November 30th 2023
- 7:51 am, Other, Local Hospital. Request for Assistance - Contacted person after hospital staff stated they made certain harmful statements to them prior to leaving.
- 9:20 am, Other, Library Mall. Demonstration - Assisted w/security for Hillel sponsored Chair Vigil event on Library Mall and Students for Justice in Palestine "Die-in" event on Bascom Hill.
- 10:58 am, Disorderly Conduct, Humanities Building. Contacted person regarding interaction with two subjects and feeling uncomfortable during interactions.
- 12:39 pm, Theft/Larceny, HSLC. Contacted person who reported that sometime between November 16, 2023 at 7:00 p.m. and November 17, 2023 at 8:00 a Dell Latitude 7490 laptop valued at $1,000 was taken from the circulation desk after a student returned it after hours.
- 1:11 pm, Graffiti, Library Mall. Contacted person after a sign was damaged during the chair vigil.
- 9:33 pm, Other, Local Hospital. Emergency Room Assist - Contacted person after they became verbally aggressive and punched the garage door at a local hospital.
- 10:46 pm, Damage to Property, Lot 63 ER Ramp. Contacted by phone person for damage that occurred in ER parking lot due to unsafe backing up.
Daily Blotter for November 29th 2023
- 9:04 am, Theft/Larceny, Camp Randall. Contacted person who reported the theft of thousands of dollars of per diem funds issued to former student-athletes.
- 12:28 pm, Theft/Larceny, Nicholas Recreation Center. Contacted person who reported on November 28, 2023 between the hours of 11:50 a.m. and 12:15 p.m., their Aritzia sweatshirt ($100), sweatpants ($100), Aritzia puffer jacket ($300) and Gucci card wallet ($300) were stolen from the basement locker room.
- 2:01 pm, Information, DeJope Residence Hall. Person contacted UWPD through the Badger Safe app to report a message in a bathroom stall.
- 2:17 pm, Emergency Detention, Local Hospital. Contact with patient experiencing medical crisis.
- 6:23 pm, Harassment, Local Hospital. Contacted persons in hospital lobby reporting harassment by staff.
- 9:23 pm, Other, Local Hospital. Emergency Room Assistance - Detained person after they were aggressive with MFD and hospital staff due to medical incident.
- 9:58 pm, Trespassing/After Hours, Witte Hall. Contacted/Cited person for Bypass a Security Device after person piggy backed into Witte Hall behind a student.
- 10:56 pm, Warrant Served, Local Hospital. Arrested/Cited/Transported/Released to Dane County Jail suspect for a Dane County DC/criminal damage warrant.
- 11:24 pm, Other, Humanities. Drug Related - Approximately 1g of suspected MJ located in the east stairwell on the 6th floor of the Humanities Building by UWPD Security.
Daily Blotter for November 28th 2023
- 10:01 am, Graffiti, Lot 60. Palestine flag spray-painted onto the blacktop of the bike path.
- 2:10 pm, Medical/Alcohol/Detox Conveyance, Highland Ave. Contacted person after a medical incident, refused transport.
- 4:40 pm, Motor Vehicle Accident, Lot 34. Contacted person who was reporting damage to their vehicle while it was parked in lot 34 between 7:45a-4:34p on 11/27.
- 5:16 pm, Lost Property, Nicholas Recreation Center. Contacted person regarding lost keys for Chemistry building.
- 7:54 pm, Disorderly Conduct, Kohl Center. While working Men's Basketball game at the Kohl Center, was approached by patron regarding another patron’s behavior.
Daily Blotter for November 27th 2023
- 7:41 am, Other, W. Johnson & N. Carroll Streets. Cited person for operating while revoked.
- 8:03 pm, Theft/Larceny, Barnard Hall. Contacted person who reported a package containing a pair of white Nike air force one shoes stolen from outside door.
Daily Blotter for November 26th 2023
- 7:14 pm, Other, University Ave & Henry Mall. Traffic Stop - Stopped person for unsafe lane deviation.
- 7:28 pm, Medical/Alcohol/Detox Conveyance, Kohl Center. Contacted/Cited/Transported to local hospital after persons were reported to be highly intoxicated and lying on the lawn in front of the Kohl Center.
- 10:43 pm, Other, Lake & State Streets. Traffic Stop - Stopped and verbally warned person for failure to stop at stop sign. Cited for Operating while suspended and UAL 1st, Verbally Warned for paraphernalia.
- 1:23 am, Operating While Intoxicated, Dayton & Bassett Streets. Arrested/Cited/Released to Responsible Party person for failure to obey stop sign, OWI 1st, and PAC 1st.