Daily Blotter Archive
The blotter content below represents significant incidents/calls for service from the previous 24 hours, starting at 6 a.m. the prior day. For example, incidents listed on January 2 occurred starting at 6 a.m. on January 1.
Daily Blotter for November 25th 2023
- 2:13 pm, Warrant Served, Lot 7. Arrested/Cited/Transported/Released to Dane County Jail suspect for misdemeanor x3 Warrant.
- 4:10 pm, Information, Local Hospital. Contacted person regarding incident while in emergency room.
- 6:51 pm, Assist Law Enforcement Agency, Local Hospital. Contacted person who fled from the emergency room while being treated for a medical incident.
- 7:07 pm, Check Person, UWPD. Contacted person regarding emails that have been nonsensical and nonviolent, referred to other jurisdiction for assistance.
- 9:43 pm, Theft/Larceny, Local Hospital. Contacted person who reported their driver's license, EBT card, two credit cards, and siblings credit card were stolen while at local hospital emergency room.
- 10:54 pm, Other, Local Hospital. Emergency Room Assist - Arrested/Cited person for false emergency 911 call and trespass remain after notice.
- 12:26 am, Other, Bassett & Dayton Streets. Traffic Stop - Stopped/Cited person for improper right turn, criminal OAR, and suspended registration.
Daily Blotter for November 24th 2023
- 8:59 pm, Check Person, Location Redacted. Contacted person for concerns of behavior by another person towards them.
Daily Blotter for November 23rd 2023
- 9:55 am, Medical/Alcohol/Detox Conveyance, Location Redacted. Transported person to local hospital for voluntary evaluation.
- 10:53 am, Harassment, Location Redacted. Contacted person who received a harassing/threatening email.
- 11:34 am, Alarm, Location Redacted. Contacted person who advised door was likely set off by temperature change in front room.
- 12:07 pm, Other, Local Hospital. Request For Assistance - Requested by Hospital security to assist with returning patient to their room due to a medical hold/possible pending emergency detention.
- 12:55 pm, Medical/Alcohol/Detox Conveyance, Local Hospital. Person transported to local hospital.
- 2:36 pm, Alarm, Location Redacted. Contacted person who advised employee was leaning against the door.
- 4:33 pm, Other, Local Hospital. Request For Assistance - Deputy spoke with person over the phone and explained the citation and explained the search warrant.
- 7:01 pm, Theft/Larceny, Bradley Hall. Contacted person in reference to wanting to report his black electric bike stolen from Bradley Hall.
Daily Blotter for November 22nd 2023
- 12:13 pm, Information, Residence Hall. Contacted person regarding concerns with former roommate.
- 2:14 pm, Other, Vilas Hall. Request For Assistance - Contacted person who reported earlier in the day a trash can in the hallway started to smoke from what they believe was something that was still warm from the microwave and started a post it note on fire.
- 12:50 am, Trespassing/After Hours, Local Hospital. Arrested/Transported/Released to Dane County Jail person for forfeiture trespass - remain after notice.
- 3:10 am, Medical/Alcohol/Detox Conveyance, Location Redacted. Contacted person for fall, transported to local hospital ER.
Daily Blotter for November 21st 2023
- 9:13 am, Fraud, Bradley Hall. Person reported sending a large amount of money in wire transfers to 3 recipients over the past month. Ongoing investigation.
- 9:47 am, Theft/Larceny, Witte Hall. Contacted person who advised someone took a handheld portable radio from the front desk of Witte Hall sometime after 9:00 p.m. on 11/17/23 and was making prank calls over their radio.
- 12:12 pm, Graffiti, Lot 8. Transportation Services called to report someone had spray painted the Palestine flag on the blacktop driveway going into Lot 8.
- 1:32 pm, Emergency Detention, Local Hospital. Crisis advised they had completed an ED evaluation on patient to be transported to another location for care.
- 3:47 pm, Information, McBurney Resource Center. Received EO54 from the department of admissions referencing the applicant documenting they were sexually abused as a child.
- 7:55 pm, Harassment, UWPD. Contacted person regarding a Anti-Simetic email they received from "Ryan Murtha”.
- 10:42 pm, Criminal Damage, Memorial Union. Observed the loading dock gate arm broken and damaged while conducting a check area.
- 11:53 pm, Theft/Larceny, Red Gym. Contacted person who reported their belongings were stolen from room 243. After investigation, items were moved by Memorial Union building manager for safe keeping.
- 2:34 am, Medical/Alcohol/Detox Conveyance, Eagle Heights Drive. Contact person after they called for an ambulance.
Daily Blotter for November 20th 2023
- 2:25 pm, Eluding, Walnut Street & University Ave. Arrested/Cited/Transported/Released to Dane County Jail suspect for eluding and cited for reckless driving and nonregistration.
- 4:16 pm, Assist Law Enforcement Agency, Local Hospital. Assisted Waushara County Sheriff's Office conduct an interview with person regarding a crime in their jurisdiction.
- 4:23 pm, Found Property, Walnut St. & Linden Dr. Tablet screen disabled due to damage sustained prior to being turned into UWPD.
- 4:40 pm, Found Property, State & W. Gilman Streets. Bible and social security card to be entered into property for safe keeping.
- 7:52 pm, Check Person, Vilas Hall. Case pulled in error.
- 9:09 pm, Trespassing/After Hours, Local Hospital. Arrested/Cited/Transported/Released to Dane County Jail suspect for criminal trespass to a medical facility, disorderly conduct, and bail jumping (misd) after they caused a disturbance in the UW ED.
- 10:10 pm, Check Person, Hilldale Way. Disposition in primary call.
Daily Blotter for November 19th 2023
- 6:32 pm, Assist Law Enforcement Agency, University Ave & N. Frances Street. Responded to a vehicle vs pedestrian crash.
- 7:29 pm, Information, Camp Randall Stadium. Contacted person who was reporting people in Camp Randall wearing shirts with swastikas and having swastika flags.
- 8:02 pm, Check Person, Campus Dr. & Walnut Street. Contacted person when they were found stumbling on Campus Dr. Cited for UAL 2nd, false ID, verbally warned for Disorderly Conduct and obstructing.
- 8:05 pm, Underage Alcohol Violation, Campus Dr. & Walnut Street. Cited person for UAL 1st.
- 9:09 pm, Medical/Alcohol/Detox Conveyance, Camp Randall Stadium. Transported person to detox from Camp Randall Police Center.
- 9:44 pm, Check Person, Union South. Contacted person after they were located passed out in the first floor restroom.
- 3:35 am, Trespassing/After Hours, Sellery Hall. Contacted person after house fellow reported them to be in a stall for approximately 45 minutes and refusing to leave Sellery after admitting they weren’t a resident.
Daily Blotter for November 18th 2023
- 6:25 am, Criminal Damage, Lot 46. Contacted person regarding broken in front passenger side window of vehicle while it was parked on the north side of the first floor between 3:20pm 11/16/23 and 6:15am 11/17/23.
- 7:31 am, Fire, Engineering Hall. UW Steamfitters were working on air handler #3 in the penthouse when a fire started in the air handler.
- 8:16 am, Medical/Alcohol/Detox Conveyance, Eagle Heights. Resident fell downstairs and broke their ankle.
- 8:43 am, Medical/Alcohol/Detox Conveyance, Biochemistry Lab. MFR Transported prior to arrival.
- 10:07 am, Emergency Detention, Local Hospital. No disposition at time of briefing release.
- 12:30 pm, Criminal Damage, Lot 75. Person reported someone tried to steal their catalytic Converter from their vehicle.
- 4:35 pm, Lost Property, UWPD. Person called to report that they lost their passport from India and needed a police report in order to obtain a new one to travel home.
- 11:04 pm, Assist Law Enforcement Agency, Local Hospital. Assisted Iowa Co Sheriff’s Office with blood draw warrant for suspect who was transported to local hospital via Medflight after a crash.
- 1:26 am, Underage Alcohol Violation, Regent & Charter Streets. Contacted/Cited person for UAL 2nd after they fell off their bike twice near the Regent St bars.
- 1:52 am, Underage Alcohol Violation, Residence Hall. Cited person for UAL 1st.
- 2:26 am, Found Property, Dayton & Park Streets. Received a lost red wallet with an ID, attempted contact, left voicemail with instructions on how to retrieve the wallet.
Daily Blotter for November 17th 2023
- 9:23 am, Alarm, Location Redacted. Contacted person and advised they tried catching the door before it latched and thinks it made contact right when they pulled on it.
- 12:47 pm, Other, DeJope. Assist Person - Contacted person who wanted to report their bike had been stolen.
- 3:23 pm, Warrant Served, Local Hospital. Local hospital staff contacted UWPD after concerns with parent who had drugs in a patient’s room. Person contacted, Arrested/Cited/Transported/Released to Dane County Jail for probation violation.
- 4:29 pm, Graffiti, Humanities. Contacted person regarding graffiti found in the first floor woman’s bathroom.
- 1:19 am, Found Property, Computer Science Building. UWPD Security Officer found an air pod case in the Computer Science Building room 1350.
- 2:54 am, Theft/Larceny, Lot 6. Contacted person who reported someone had gone through and stolen belongings out of their vehicle between 12:15 AM and about 2:30 AM.
Daily Blotter for November 16th 2023
- 5:25 am, Information, Monroe Street. Arrested/Cited/Transported/Released to Dane County Jail suspect for theft/bail jumping.
- 7:28 am, Found Property, Picnic Point. Person delivered a $100 bill she found on the paved roadway in the Picnic Point grounds, north of the entry gate.
- 11:37 am, Information, UWPD. Received application where unnamed person mentioned being a victim of a crime in an essay for admissions to UW. Forwarded information to jurisdiction where offense occurred for review.
- 3:55 pm, Theft/Larceny, Ogg Hall. Spoke with person who reported multiple articles of clothing being stolen from shared laundry room in the building.
- 4:13 pm, Assist Law Enforcement Agency, S Main Street DeForest. Assisted DeForest PD with K9 sniff of vehicle in parking lot that was connected to a narcotics arrest/investigation where Methamphetamine was recovered. Positive K9 alert. Search of vehicle resulted in locating approximately 2g MJ and one MJ blunt.
- 4:19 pm, Information, McBurney Resource Center. Reviewed application, and applicant states physical abuse by parent.
- 4:36 pm, Other, N. Randall Ave & Engineering Drive. Traffic Stop - Stopped/cited person for disregarding a solid red traffic control device.
- 4:47 pm, Other, Local Hospital. Request For Assistance - Arrested/Cited/Transported/Released to Dane County Jail suspect for Lewd and Lascivious Behavior and Disorderly Conduct x3, also cited for UW Code Possession of Alcohol on UW Lands.
- 6:07 pm, Criminal Damage, Lot 130. Contacted person regarding their 2022 Triumph motorcycle which was damaged while parked in Lot 30.
- 6:28 pm, Information, Monroe Street. Contacted person regarding harassing emails from another person.
- 8:14 pm, Medical/Alcohol/Detox Conveyance, Nicholas Recreation Center. Patient with nose injury was already seen/treated by MFD prior to arrival and refused transport.
- 10:42 pm, Mental Health Welfare Check, Location Redacted. Contacted person after they contacted UWPD stating they had suicidal ideations.
- 1:36 am, Other, Randall & University Ave. Traffic Stop - Attempted to stop person for failure to obey red traffic signal at Randall Ave at University Ave. Driver eventually stopped, didn’t understand traffic laws after recently moving to the United States.
- 3:16 am, Other, Local Hospital. Request For Assistance - Arrested/Cited/Transported/Released to Dane County Jail suspect for trespass remain after notice.