Daily Blotter Archive
The blotter content below represents significant incidents/calls for service from the previous 24 hours, starting at 6 a.m. the prior day. For example, incidents listed on January 2 occurred starting at 6 a.m. on January 1.
Daily Blotter for March 12th 2023
- 9:33 am, Criminal Damage, Lot 45. Contacted person regarding damage to their vehicle.
- 10:11 am, Assist Law Enforcement Agency, Local Hospital. Responded to local hospital to unit for reports of patient bypassing the security door to exit the unit.
- 11:48 am, Alarm, Location Redacted. Glass break, south stairwell.
- 10:04 pm, Other, Tent Colony. Suspicious Vehicle - Verbally warned suspects for being in the lot after closing hours.
- 11:11 pm, Operating While Intoxicated, W Gillman & University Ave. Contacted/Arrested/transported to Dane County Jail suspect for OWI 1st, cited for reckless driving and operating while suspended. Also unable to process due to combative & uncooperative behavior.
- 11:25 pm, Medical/Alcohol/Detox Conveyance, Location Redacted. Still on going at time of briefing.
Daily Blotter for March 11th 2023
- 5:30 am, Motor Vehicle Accident, Mills Street. Contacted person who advised they struck and knocked down a post in Lot 50 while plowing snow driving for UW Grounds.
- 11:52 am, Assist Law Enforcement Agency, Location redacted. Contacted local hospital along with crisis and was informed the subject was brought into local hospital overnight by outside agency and was restrained.
- 1:55 pm, Other, Pyle Center. Closing Hours Violation - Contacted person regarding an individual seen in the Pyle Center after closing hours from 03/09/23 approximately 08:30p until 03/10/23 approximately 04:30a.
- 3:26 pm, Information, UWPD. Received approx. 6 "spoofed calls" from other departments/universities beginning at 10:58am and lasting for about an hour.
- 4:17 pm, Threat Assessment, Office of Student Council. Contacted Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards about person of interest regarding communications and behavior reported as concerning by a department on campus .
- 4:19 pm, Threat Assessment, Office of Student Council. Contacted Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards about person of interest regarding disruption in class reported as concerning by a department on campus.
- 6:03 pm, Other, Lot 87. Suspicious Vehicle - Contacted/Arrested/Transported to JDC and released suspect for possession of a controlled substance (5 grams of MDMA combined with fentanyl) and possession of THC w/ intent (11 grams), cited for UAL 1st.
- 7:59 pm, Found Property, Lot 7. Contacted Transportation Services Staff regarding three bags located in the lower level of Lot 7.
- 8:18 pm, Alarm, Location Redacted. Custodial set the alarm off, everything is clear.
- 8:34 pm, Alarm, Location Redacted. Checked staff and local hospital security and confirmed no issues or emergencies.
- 8:52 pm, Criminal Damage, N Park Street. Contacted person who reported someone threw a large chunk of ice off the pedestrian bridge at their car, shattering the windshield .
Daily Blotter for March 10th 2023
- 7:54 am, Mental Health Welfare Check, Location Redacted. Transported person to local hospital after having withdrawal symptoms from smoking Delta-8.
- 10:56 am, Information, McBurney Resource Center. Reviewed application essay which mentioned physical abuse.
- 11:06 am, Operating While Intoxicated, University Ave. Arrested/Cited suspect for operating while intoxicated (1st). Cited for possession of THC (County Ord.) and unregistered vehicle.
- 11:07 am, Alarm, Location Redacted. Contacted person who advised the person currently in the lab is authorized to be there.
- 11:46 am, Theft/Larceny, Observatory Drive. Contacted person who reported their iPhone 12 pro was either lost or stolen.
- 4:21 pm, Alarm, Location Redacted. Contacted person indicating they set the alarm off in by mistake when they entered to get something.
- 5:27 pm, Check Person, Union South. Building manager stated they gave the individual a 24 hour ban.
- 6:41 pm, Information, McBurney Resource Center. E054 report was assigned it was determined that the reason the essay was forwarded due to the applicant saying “without a show they would of died” .
- , Medical/Alcohol/Detox Conveyance, Nicholas Recreation Center. Transported person to local hospital after they dislocated a finger playing basketball.
- 8:29 pm, Medical/Alcohol/Detox Conveyance, Nicholas Recreation Center. Individual had allergic reaction in 3rd floor restroom, transported to local hospital by MFD.
- 8:38 pm, Alarm, Location Redacted. Checked the area of the alarm, no issues.
Daily Blotter for March 9th 2023
- 9:09 am, Alarm, Location Redacted. Contacted staff, was advised they were doing inspections and likely triggered the door due to holding it open too long.
- 11:14 am, Trespassing/After Hours, Nicholas Recreation Center. Contacted person after they found video of a person entering the Nicholas Rec Center at 2:44AM on 3/8 that should not be in the building after hours.
- 12:08 pm, Theft/Larceny, Location Redacted. Contacted person regarding their jacket that was stolen from a breakroom on 3/1/2023.
- 1:10 pm, Medical/Alcohol/Detox Conveyance, Location Redacted. Assisted MFD with person who was experiencing a medical emergency.
- 1:15 pm, Medical/Alcohol/Detox Conveyance, Location Redacted. Contacted person who was experiencing breathing issues and was transported by MFR to a local hospital.
- 2:49 pm, Information, McBurney Resource Center. Received application from Office of Admissions and Recruitment with information from juvenile disclosing abuse.
- 1:26 am, Other, Location Redacted. Request for Assistance - Contacted person regarding information about a Psychological Evaluation completed by another local hospital on a patient located in their emergency room.
Daily Blotter for March 8th 2023
- 8:23 am, Assist Law Enforcement Agency, W Johnson & Charter Streets. Contacted person after their vehicle was struck by another vehicle on W Johnson St.
- 12:41 pm, Damage to Property, Sellery Hall. Contacted person after they reported a washing machine door broken off its hinges in Sellery Hall.
- 4:02 pm, Alarm, Location Redacted. Contacted three persons working in the area who stated a reoccurring issue with the door alarm.
- 5:31 pm, Alarm, Location Redacted. Contacted two qualified personnel in the room.
- 5:42 pm, Alarm, Location Redacted. Left front main door slightly ajar.
- 10:08 pm, Medical/Alcohol/Detox Conveyance, Nicholas Recreation Center. Transported person to local hospital after they landed on their ankle and possibly sprained it.
- 11:48 pm, Medical/Alcohol/Detox Conveyance, Chadbourne Hall. Contacted person who requested a ride to local hospital after injuring their wrist playing hockey.
Daily Blotter for March 7th 2023
- 6:58 am, Alarm, Location Redacted. Break South Stair room 201.
- 8:24 am, Theft/Larceny, Location redacted. Contacted person who reported that their work keys went missing out of their vehicle sometime between 9:45am on 2/22/2023 and 3/2/2023.
- 9:42 am, Information, UWPD. Received information that a background investigator was on campus identifying as a federal background investigator.
- 10:43 am, Alarm, Location Redacted. Contacted person who indicated the issue might be door/software related.
- 12:18 pm, Alarm, Location Redacted. Checked area, no issues.
- 10:39 pm, Graffiti, Hamel Music Hall. Contacted UWPD Security who found graffiti on the west wall to Hamel Music Hall .
- 11:17 pm, Other, West Johnson and Broom Street. Traffic Cited person for Operating while suspended & non-reg of auto.
- 12:51 am, Motor Vehicle Accident, Elizabeth Waters Hall. Contacted person who backed into parked vehicle causing minor damage to front plate and bumper.
Daily Blotter for March 6th 2023
- 2:15 pm, Check Person, Location Redacted. Contacted person for mental health concerns.
- 3:25 pm, Alarm, Location Redacted. Contacted person who accidentally pressed alarm.
- 7:46 pm, Other, Eagle Heights. Traffic Stop - Cited suspect for operating while suspected of OWI.
- 8:49 pm, Assist Law Enforcement Agency, State Street. Assisted MPD regarding a male outside the Stop & Shop who allegedly displayed and fired a pistol.
- 9:23 pm, Assist Law Enforcement Agency, State & Gilman Streets. Assisted MPD with a fight in progress at Stop & Shop (State St/Gilman St).
- 9:47 pm, Trespassing/After Hours, Computer Science Building. Contacted person who was found inside Computer Sciences after closing hours by Security.
- 1:16 am, Other, University & MIdvale Blvd. Traffic Stop - Stopped person for conducting an illegal u-turn.
- 1:33 am, Medical/Alcohol/Detox Conveyance, Location Redacted. Contacted person who was laying in the flower bed complaining of a fractured hip and freezing.
Daily Blotter for March 5th 2023
- 3:05 pm, Theft/Larceny, Harvy Street Apartments. Contacted persons regarding thefts.
- 5:06 pm, Information, Barnard Hall. Contacted person who reported numerous students were approached by M/H 5`7-5`9, 30-40 yo, brown hair, jeans, black coat,blk/wht shoes panhandling.
- 9:45 pm, Trespassing/After Hours, Memorial Union. Cited suspect for UW restricted use of student unions.
- 11:03 pm, Information, Location Redacted. Contacted person regarding their second floor neighbors having a verbal argument.
- 10:56 pm, Warrant Served, Memorial Union. Arrested/transported to Dane County Jail suspect who had a warrant from the Department of Corrections.
- 11:52 pm, Medical/Alcohol/Detox Conveyance, Location Redacted. Contacted/Cited person for UAL 1st after they were found in the 3rd floor bathroom of residence hall, after drinking a half of bottle of Tequila.
- 1:07 am, Medical/Alcohol/Detox Conveyance, East Campus Mall and W. Johnson Street. Contacted person who was observed on UWPD cameras being carried by two unknown individuals.
- 1:25 am, Underage Alcohol Violation, Chamberlain Hall. Cited persons for UAL 1st.
- 2:27 am, Operating While Intoxicated, University Ave and Babcock Drive. Contacted/Arrested/Released to responsible party for OWI 1st.
Daily Blotter for March 4th 2023
- 5:33 pm, Assist Law Enforcement Agency, Gordon Commons. Assisted MPD in locating a suspect who was spitting on and hitting individuals on a Van Gelder bus on 250 N. Lake St.
- 9:31 pm, Check Person, W. Dayton and N Frances Streets. Contacted/Cited/Released suspect after observing them urinating outside of their parked car on W. Dayton St. and N. Frances St.
- 10:30 pm, Theft/Larceny, Memorial Union. Contacted person who reported their black North Face jacket was stolen at the Memorial Union.
- 12:13 am, Underage Alcohol Violation, Smith Hall. Contacted person after a caller reported they were highly intoxicated and was calling people racial slurs.
- 1:06 am, Underage Alcohol Violation, Swenson Hall. Cited person for UAL 2nd.
- 1:03 am, Medical/Alcohol/Detox Conveyance, Location Redacted. MFD contacted/transported person to local hospital for a non-traumatic back injury.
- 1:17 am, Medical/Alcohol/Detox Conveyance, Location Redacted. Transported person to detox after they were observed leaning against a wall vomiting.
- 2:08 am, Check Person, W. Dayton and N. Park Streets. Contacted person who was being helped while walking, cited for UAL, Fake ID.
Daily Blotter for March 3rd 2023
- 6:37 am, Alarm, Location Redacted. Checked area, no issues.
- 8:44 am, Theft/Larceny, HC White. Contacted person for a report of an electric scooter theft.
- 11:10 am, Theft/Larceny, HC White. Contacted person for a bike theft.
- 11:30 am, Damage to Property, University Ave. Contacted person for damage to their vehicle.
- 1:15 pm, Other, W Johnson Street/East Campus Mall. Traffic Stop - Cited suspect for operating after revocation (criminal), issued written warning for illegal tint on front windshield (15 days to correct).
- 1:48 pm, Motor Vehicle Accident, Langdon Street. Contacted person who reported a hit and run in the 800blk of Langdon St.
- 2:48 pm, Alarm, Location Redacted. Contacted person who reported no issues.
- 4:43 pm, Assist Law Enforcement Agency, Location Redacted. Assisted Middleton PD with an emergency detention at local hospital.
- 6:10 pm, Damage to Property, Ogg Hall. Contacted person regarding damage to a toilet on the 2nd floor main floor.
- 7:23 pm, Motor Vehicle Accident, Engineering Hall. Contacted person who was involved in a motor vehicle accident at Engineering Drive with a concrete flower stand.
- 10:27 pm, Underage Alcohol Violation, Kohl Center. Liquor Law Violations - Ejected persons from basketball game due to causing a verbal disturbance in section 121 row DD seat’s 17 and 18.
- 11:49 pm, Trespassing/After Hours, Memorial Union. Detained/Verbally warned suspect for trespassing after they were found sleeping after closing hours in Memorial Union.
- 1:48 am, Damage to Property, Chamberlain Hall. Housing reported the panel covering an electrical box was ripped out of place.
- 2:10 am, Operating While Intoxicated, N. Randall and Regent Streets. Arrested/Cited/Released to responsible party suspect for OWI 1st (2nd lifetime) and failure to obey sign.