Daily Blotter Archive
The blotter content below represents significant incidents/calls for service from the previous 24 hours, starting at 6 a.m. the prior day. For example, incidents listed on January 2 occurred starting at 6 a.m. on January 1.
Daily Blotter for February 7th 2024
- 8:45 am, Alarm, Ogg Hall. Person reported exit sign was broken on the 4th floor in the 4300 hallway.
- 10:52 am, Sexual Assault, Location Redacted. Person reported a sensitive crime.
- 12:03 pm, Motor Vehicle Accident, Lot 67. Contacted person regarding a motor vehicle crash that occurred on the 3rd level of Lot 67.
- 2:16 pm, Medical/Alcohol/Detox Conveyance, Location Redacted. Stood by while MFR assisted person into ambulance for health related concerns.
- 12:19 am, Check Person, Residence Hall. Contacted/Transported person to local hospital for detox evaluation after they were found puking in a toilet by a housefellow.
Daily Blotter for February 6th 2024
- 8:46 am, Medical/Alcohol/Detox Conveyance, Location Redacted. Contacted person who reported stalking behavior from unknown person at their residence.
- 11:17 am, Sexual Assault, Location Redacted. Contacted person for a report of a sensitive crime.
- 11:38 am, Medical/Alcohol/Detox Conveyance, East Campus Mall. Transported person to University Health Services.
- 1:57 pm, Battery, Grainger hall. Cited person for UW assaultive behavior and banned from Grainger until building opens during regular business hours.
- 2:11 pm, Theft/Larceny, Chazen Museum. Contacted person after they reported some of their inventory in the Chazen Cafe missing.
- 2:40 pm, Found Property, UWPD. Wallet and cards turned in and attempts to contact owner unsuccessful.
- 6:19 pm, Theft/Larceny, Nicholas Recreation Center. Contacted person after they reported a basketball that they rented from RecWell in the Nicholas Center was taken by another customer and never returned to RecWell.
- 10:01 pm, Trespassing/After Hours, Lot 7 Grainger Hall Ramp. Contacted person after they returned to the east stairwell in Lot 7 after being escorted from the building earlier in the night.
Daily Blotter for February 5th 2024
- 11:11 am, Motor Vehicle Accident, Lot 46. Contact with person who was sitting in a University owned vehicle was side swiped by another vehicle while they were trying to pull into Lot 46 and park for Men's Basketball game.
- 12:19 pm, Other, W. Johnson & N. Lake Streets. Traffic Stop - Attempted traffic stop for failure to stop for red light at Johnson/N. Orchard St.
- 3:26 pm, Disorderly Conduct, Kohl Center. Person reported an unknown person approached them while outside and caused them to feel uncomfortable.
- 7:54 pm, Medical/Alcohol/Detox Conveyance, Nicholas Recreation Center. EMS transported patient to local hospital.
- 8:06 pm, Found Property, UWPD. Wallet turned into Police Department after being found.
Daily Blotter for February 4th 2024
- 4:33 pm, Assist Law Enforcement Agency, W. Gilman Street. Detained person who was a suspect from a disturbance/battery that occurred on Gilman/University Ave.
- 6:33 pm, Assist Law Enforcement Agency, Camden Road. Assisted MPD regarding a weapons violation, suspect battered and pointed a firearm at victim before fleeing on foot.
- 8:08 pm, Disorderly Conduct, Hamel Music Hall. Building Manager reported person was intoxicated and being disruptive during a sold out musical performance. Person Arrested/Cited/Transported to Dane County Jail for Disorderly Conduct.
- 9:36 pm, Other, Residence Hall. Liquor Law Underage - Transported/Cited person for UAL 2nd and V/W for Possession a Fake ID after they were called in by House Fellows for a detox evaluation for consumption of alcohol and consuming medication. Person transported to local hospital for medical clearance and later transported to Detox without incident.
- 12:33 am, Medical/Alcohol/Detox Conveyance, Residence Hall. Located person after other persons were carrying them inside building for their safety. Person transported to detox.
- 12:46 am, Medical/Alcohol/Detox Conveyance, Veterans Hospital. Cited person for UAL 1st and VW for fake ID and transported to detox without incident.
- 2:20 am, Operating While Intoxicated, Monroe & Regent Streets. Located person slumped over in their vehicle, which was found sideways in the road and blocking traffic. Person Arrested/Cited/Released to Responsible Party for OWI 1st, UAL 1st.
- 3:34 am, Check Person, Residence Hall. Person called 911 saying their friend was highly intoxicated, locked themself in the bathroom, and was not responding.
Daily Blotter for February 3rd 2024
- 3:16 pm, Alarm, Location Redacted. Prior to Police arrival, staff stated they were the one who set off the alarm and did not need police response.
- 8:09 pm, Medical/Alcohol/Detox Conveyance, Bakke Recreation Center. MFR transported patient to local hospital ER for a shoulder injury occurring during a basketball game.
- 8:59 pm, Medical/Alcohol/Detox Conveyance, Kohl Center. Transported person to Detox from the Kohl Center after a detox evaluation conducted by officers at Men's Hockey game.
- 11:07 pm, Other, Mills & Johnson Streets. Traffic Stop - Stopped person for suspended registration and suspended Registered Owner. Confiscated fake CA driver's license, verbally warned for operating without driver's license (violate instructional permit rules), operating a suspended motor vehicle, and possession of a fake ID.
- 12:10 am, Information, Local Hospital. Contacted person at local hospital ER who requested to speak with UWPD.
- 12:28 am, Medical/Alcohol/Detox Conveyance, Spring & Park Streets. Contacted person for an intox evaluation after friends reported they needed help.
- 12:40 am, Follow-up, Spring & Park Street. No information available at time of briefing release.
- 1:34 am, Medical/Alcohol/Detox Conveyance, Residence Hall. Contacted person after their friend reported them to be unconscious after drinking.
- 2:35 am, Other, Frances & Johnson Streets. Traffic Stop - Verbally Warned person for a tail light out and possession of marijuana.
- 2:36 am, Underage Alcohol Violation, Residence Hall. Cited person after housefellows found them passed out on the ground.
Daily Blotter for February 2nd 2024
- 1:51 pm, Information, McBurney Resource Center. Received a mandatory report from the Office of Admissions.
- 12:00 am, Medical/Alcohol/Detox Conveyance, University Ave. Responded to local bar for a person in medical crisis.
Daily Blotter for February 1st 2024
- 4:11 pm, Criminal Damage, Engineering Hall. Contacted person after they confessed to throwing a snowball and unintentionally breaking the exterior window.
- 4:23 pm, Information, McBurney Resource Center. Received a mandatory report from the Office of Admissions.
- 5:45 pm, Other, Location Redacted. Request For Assistance - Spoke to person regarding emails from another person that were concerning in nature for their wellbeing.
- 6:11 pm, Motor Vehicle Accident, Lot 67. Contacted person in reference to crashing their vehicle into the gate arm at Lot 67.
- 9:31 pm, Found Property, Medical Sciences Center. A pair of lost and found headphones were logged into safekeeping.
- 1:15 am, Other, Johnson & Mills Streets. Traffic Stop - Stopped/Cited suspect for exceeding speed zones 43 in a 25.
- 1:37 am, Found Property, UWPD. A WI DL was turned in at the UWPD after it was discovered on State St.
- 2:10 am, Operating While Intoxicated, Franklin Ave & Franklin Ct. Arrested/Cited/Transported/Released to Dane County Jail suspect for OWI 1st. Cited for exceeding speed limit 45 in a 25.
Daily Blotter for January 31st 2024
- 5:38 am, Motor Vehicle Accident, 27 N. Charter St. Contacted person who was operating UW-dump truck and took a corner too tightly entering lot 51 on 01/29/24 at about 11:15 - 11:30am hitting parked vehicle.
- 8:00 am, Graffiti, Picnic Point Grounds. Contacted via email to report new graffiti found on the Beach House located in the Picnic Point grounds.
- 10:41 am, Information, American Family Children's Hospital. Contacted person who reported misappropriation of grant funds ($4900) in 2018.
- 11:21 am, Motor Vehicle Accident, Kohl Center Loading Dock. Contacted person who advised his TV trailer was struck by a Badger Bus on January 26, 2024 around 9:45 p.m. in the Kohl Center loading dock.
Daily Blotter for January 30th 2024
- 5:39 am, Check Person, Grainger Hall. Cited person for camping in Grainger Hall, verbally warned for closing hours.
- 7:02 pm, Motor Vehicle Accident, Chamberlain & Farley Avenues. Contacted person who reported their vehicle had been struck by a black Ford Edge.
- 7:49 pm, Medical/Alcohol/Detox Conveyance, Nicholas Recreation Center. Madison Fire Department paramedics transported person to hospital after they dislocated their shoulder playing basketball.
Daily Blotter for January 29th 2024
- 1:28 am, Criminal Damage, Lot 75. Contacted Transportation Services regarding damage to the gate arm in lot 75.
- 6:20 pm, Information, Lot 57. Contacted persons who reported damage to their vehicle.
- 12:34 am, Medical/Alcohol/Detox Conveyance, Location Redacted. Detox/transport of person who was under the consumption of alcohol and made S.I statements.
- 2:58 am, Other, Overlook Terrace & Campus Drive. Cited person for operating after revocation (Misd.) and failure to install IID (Misd.). Stopped/VW for speed 41/25, released to a responsible party.