Slow No Wake: Practicing Good Water Safety this Summer

Warm weather and sunshine are finally here, and that means spending more time doing activities on or near the water. While it can be tempting to dive headfirst (pun intended) into activities like swimming, boating, and kayaking, it’s important to remember how to stay safe and ensure a fun, accident-free experience. 

Someone Stole My Bike!!!

OK, it happened. Despite your best efforts to secure your bike (or maybe not: tsk tsk), it’s been stolen. Now what? What can you do to improve your chance of getting it back, and/or catching the person(s) responsible?

Spring Break Prep

Spring Break is just about here, and many have their minds set on their upcoming week off — whether that means going home, staying on or near campus, or traveling to a warm, exotic destination. …

Real Life CSI

By: Sgt. Jake Lepper I would venture to guess the vast majority of us have watched some version of CSI at some point in our lives. It’s easy to see why it’s such an enthralling …